The Com'Promise' Wedding💍

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Mahir's POV:

I followed her...

She took Musky in her arms and was hugging her to her chest...

She sat in the car and announced...

'Prabhu Group Of Hotels!!!'

I looked at her...

She's not coming to farmhouse?

I looked at her...

Although I didn't want to talk to her I had no other way...

'Bela... '

'Call me Miss Sharma...Mr Sehgal!!! ' she snapped back...

'Whatever!!! Where are you going? You are not staying at the farmhouse?'

While she shot me a fire glare!!!

'That place!!! I will never stay there!!!' she roared...

What's her problem? She's good to stay in a hotel but not the guest house!

I couldn't understand what her behavior!

'You can even pay me if it's about money!'

She shot me a glare and repeated

'Me in that farmhouse of yours!!!Over my dead body!'

She shouted saying..

She stopped and handed me Musky...
I looked at her...

'You can keep her with you!' she passed her from her embrace to mine...

Our fingers brushed while doing it.

I felt a sudden current pass through my spinal chord!

I looked at her once...

She didn't even look at my face.

Next second she climbed her luxury car and vanished in no time

I stood there for I don't know how long..

Her touch still ignites fire in me!!!

She is ok to let Musky go but not ready the step into farmhouse 🙄

I shaked off the thoughts and started going back to my resort.

No point going to farmhouse...

Rather going to my hotel is better
I took Musky on my chest and lied down on the bed.

She was as big as 2 times of my palms...

So small❤️ so curled up❤️

I could see when she was breathing on my chest..

I could see when she was breathing on my chest

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I felt her breathe nicely ❤️

'Thank you sweetheart for making me your Dadda!!!' I said softly to her...

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