(Next book) Prologue - Trailer Reveal - Why is the attraction so strong?

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Raghav's POV:

(In the pub)

I'm so so happy today. Ofcourse it's been great since last few days...

But today I'm extremely happy because I got a nod from Mom-Dad for marrying Sapna.

And tonight finally I'm going to propose to Sapna... Wooooah 5 years of wait.

Mom dad have promised to get us engaged post going back to Mumbai...as of now Amritsar is so much fun..then my MBA semester exams will get over and finally here I'll join dad's business and there Sapna will become from...

Sapna Khanna


Sapna Raghavendra Sehgal ❤️

Wow... that name has weightage...

I'm so so happy today 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Can't wait for her to reach the pub...

I have the ring ready...but should I give her the ring???

Isn't it too early... I mean...I think it can wait... Yup... roses are better.

(Thinking he kept the ring back in his pocket...it's his Daadi's wedding ring which he always wanted to give to his would be wife... after all it was the first gift his Daadu got for his Daadi
..that's the definition for love for Raghav...
His Daadi and Daadu's epic love story...)

My eyes kept looking for someone...

Sapna!!?? Ummm...yup Sap... Sapna...


My buddies Suhan and Alisha came to me dragging me on the dance floor...

'Oh comeon lover boy... I have invited Sapna man... She has reached Amritsar... she'll join us soon...

Comeon... Let's dance' he dragged me to the floor...

I smiled and was dancing...

But my eyes still kept impatiently searching a certain someone...


I don't know why...


Finally my eyes fell on her...

'You suddenly have a twinkle in your eyes when you see her dude!' Esha whispered in my ears...

'Wh...Who...m...me???  Sh...shut .. Shutup... Nothing like that... She's a friend Esha...' I tried to look elsewhere...

To which Esha laughed and said...

'Look buddy...we are friends for last 12 years...I was your senior in school and then in college too... So what if I'm doing medical and you are studying MBA I'm still your bestie Raghav... And trust me that twinkle when you are going to propose to your long time crush for marriage is complicated!!!' she warned.

'Crush??? It's...la....la....love... I love Sapna... Come on Esha... ' I told her to which she smiled...

'Raghav you yourself are fumbling... First convince your heart that yes it's love!

I know you are dedicated to Sapna for 5 years but let me tell you things have changed in last 18 months... Prolifically since she became a part of our friends circle and absolutely since you both have attended this wedding...

I'm sure Suhan's brother's wedding had brought new shades to your and her life!!!' Esha  blurted out.

'Shutup Esha...there is nothing between me and Siya...

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