Munchkins and Pumpkins 😁

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Mahir's POV:

I and Bela reached Sehgal Mansion and all my hungry pregnant wife did was yell at me for not keeping anything delicious for her in the car.

The minute we rang the bell... Bela barged inside pushing away Kuhu saying...

'Sorry Kuhu... I'm hungry' and ran to kitchen 🤭

Like kitchen was the last thing ever on earth while Kuhu looked at me in shock..

I laughed out loud 🤣

She looked at me in horror...

'Was that really Bela bhabhi or was I dreaming??? You really got her home??? Like when how. god... shit... woooow...fuckkk'.
Enough Kuhu...

But wait a minute why didn't bhabhi stop here and ran to kitchen???

'Umm. ... she's hungry 🙄' I said looking elsewhere...hiding my blush...

She saw me again in horror...

While I was trying to explain Kuhu we heard a moaning Bela...

'Ummmmmmmm ....yumm.... Who made this pickle man...this tastes soooo delicious when dipped in these awesome cup cakes.... Yummmmmmmy'

And next second I and Kuhu both felt our eyes popped out 😳

'Cupcake??? With pickle???' Kuhu repeated in shock 😳

'Eeeekkksss...' I thought at once 😖

Bela looked least bothered and was busy Dipping the cup cakes in the mango pickle and savour it like that was the last morsel of food on earth!!.

While Kuhu asked me...
'Bhai...are you sure she didn't hit her head anywhere 🤦'

I couldn't help but look at my cute little hungry goddess who looked like hungry monster now 🤣

'Come on are a must know what's wrong or shall I say right with her.... Bua(aunty)' I said blushing...

Next minute Kuhu looked at me in a shock...

And screamed like a mad woman in my ears...

'Ohhh my god... bhai... Like really oh my god... Double promotion wooooow' she pulled me into a hug and immediately brought some chillies and salt and warded off evil from Bela and threw tne salt in water and burnt the chillies...

But Bela was least bothered...all she did was ate happily that wierd combo of food 🤦🤭😂

Just then we heard a baby chuckle in the room... While I noticed now Bela stopped and lifted her head up to see her little piece of heart who was now a complete 6 months old...

Next minute Bela ran pulled Musky from Yuvi's arms into her arms...

Musky was smiling looking at Bela... Bela was crying... She cooed her, hugged and kissed her to her heart's content... while I asked Kuhu to take Bela to our room...

I knew Bela needed her space with her kids... Afterall they had to bond na❤️

I went to our room taking lunch for Bela while I noticed her she was hugging Musky in her chest..
I smiled and went and sat next to her...

'She doesn't need kangaroo care anymore' I said softly in her ears...

To which she smiled telling....
'I need it' and I smiled...

Slowly she picked Musky and placed her in the crib...

While I gave her the dinner plate...

She smiled saying...
'Lets go out.. I want to dine with everyone today'

I smiled at it and in no time we had a full house... It was like old times...
It's like we never missed anything...
While suddenly eating food I saw Bela snoring on the table...

Everyone started laughing 😂😂

Ishaani bhabhi told me it's the pregnancy harmones...

She looked very cute snoring like a little lioness...

Meri Sherni🦁 (my lioness)

So I quickly scooped her in my arms and took her to our room...

Covered her with quilt and went and took the couch...

In middle of night...

I felt something near my ears...

It felt like hot breath... Then I slowly lifted my head up to see ..

Bela 😳

She was snuggling into me...

I was shocked...

Getting into my quilt she said...

'Who asked you to leave me alone on bed.. you idiot... Now my wish I'm sleeping on my favorite pillow' saying she made me turn around and next second opened two buttons of my shirt...

While I froze 😳

'Accha ji toh meri bolti aise band karengi aap' ( Are you going to shut my mouth like this henceforth?)

'Aapko kya lagta he aur kyu khol rahi hu main' (Why do you think Im opening it then huhhh)

Next second she rested on my chest like I was her favorite pillow...

I smiled at her cute yet bossy Mommy harmones 😂

Poor kids of mine🤣 I thought to myself 🤭

Soon I scooped her more and pulled the quilt closer to us and covered us both till the neck.

While I felt her index fingers played on my chest while still lying on it...

I asked her... 'Bela how did you handle Arnav's grandmother?'

To which she said.. 'Simple... I told her we were never's all rumours and if we feel that we are perfect for ech other... that's all that matters so we never thought the need to clarify'

'And why was she hugging you like you are her lost posession...'

'Ohh... she was impressed to know I speak such good Marathi... So its the language bond...' she said smiling...

I laughed at it...

Soon I felt everything went silent...

While I don't know why although she was sleeping on my chest I felt like saying it again

I love you Bela ❤️' I said while squeezing her waist into me and her hands were still on my chest and she slept peacefully while still kissing and caressing my chest.

It was withering!! Shivering...

Suddenly I heard the unexpected
That was a shocker...

You are my pumpkin Musky's munchkin...

Before that remember....

Mumma loves you both!!!

Saying she
'Kissed my chest'

Now I almost died.

F*** U sleep...

Is she drunk 😳

But then I saw she was blabbering in her sleep...

Although ❤️ they say when drunk and in sleep a person confesses truth❤️🤗

I blushed hard and squeezed her more and digged my face into her neck and slept more cozily by squeezing her more


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