A relationship so pure - Friendship 🤝❤️

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Mahir's POV:

It's been a week!

Since she has been ignoring me!

Today we shifted to our penthouse!!!

All this while I have tried to stay calm!

I have never crossed my paths with hers...

Brinda and her husband have shifted as our neighbours... But I still didn't execute any of my stupid plans!

Bela..may not like it!!!

And that slap is still fresh in my head!!!

I have been trying to talk to this lady for a week now... But she just bluntly ignores me!!!

Me??? I mean come on...

You don't ignore Mahir Sehgal!!!

But she doesn't care...

She gets up... Goes to mom... Chit chats with her... Helps her in cooking... Goes to college... Comes back home... studies...cooks...chit chats with mom.. studies... Reads a novel and sleeps!!

This is her routine!

She is so stubborn that I thought atleast when I sleep on bed she will come and argue!

But no! She lies down comfortably on the couch!!!

She doesn't care!!!

See it's all going crazy now!!!

Wasn't I supposed to be bugging Brinda but hell no!!!

I mean I didn't even know when Brinda and her husband went on a honeymoon!

I had plans to screw that up eventually join them there!!! But now I don't even know where they went and here I am with s puffed up Bela!!!

How do I convince her!!!

Ok fine!!! Accepted!

Maybe I was immature!

Fine!!! Ok!!!

I won't pull her in between me and Brinda... But we can be friends na!

But Bela ko to sunna hi nahi he 😒
(She doesn't wanna listen)

So I have decided to finally go my way!!!

I got our reticulated gas connection disabled so she cannot cook 🙃 so she could talk to me about it....

But she cooked entire meal on microwave 😡

Then knowing Bela's OCD issues I purposely spilled evening snacks on the table and floor to annoy her also rubbed some to the dining table chair 😂

But she quietly cleaned all of it!

Without a word 😡...

Finally knowing how much she hates loud music... I played rock music at the highest pitch... For which my neighbor's as well called me up and complained!!!

But my wife!!! She silently put cotton buds and left to the study room!!!!

Adamant 😡


This silence is killing me!!!

It was ticking 8:30 pm...

I see the dinner time...it's the time she comes to set up dinner table!!

Now she was in study room!!!

I was hellbent to make her talk!!!

Right time!

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