Behir's Muskaan 🙂

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Mahir's POV:

I stepped into the room...

Nothing changed here ...

Maybe it's only me and her...

We became friends here...

I held her hand here for the first time...

Although it was only a few months we stayed was our first home ...

This was the home that began our relationship ❤️

I still remember all my stupid things that I did to gain her attention 😂 after my first night drama 😅

She was so angry...😂

Entire week she avoided me 🤣

This house this room had fond memories of our beginning

And today we were going to begin a new parents together.


I was making Musky drink the donor milk that Dr Deekshit organized for our baby...

We hoped this would help to boost Musky's immunity.

As usual she was puking and rejecting the bottle...

My daughter is so stubborn... Ufff!!!!

She learnt a new habit of swatting hands... Anything and everything...she would push away when she was irritated..

I was struggling to make her drink but she Started crying loudly...

Yeah we don't have any neighbors on this floor...only two houses both belong to us but my daughter's vocal chords had the capacity to invite our neighbors from 23rd floor 🤷🤦

Just then I heard a laugh...


She was laughing loudly leaning towards our bedroom door while the little one in my arms was crying...

'Whats so funny huhhh' I asked...

She came to me and said... 'This is how you feed her is it... No wonder I could hear her cry like she'll blow the penthouses when she's with you...' she started laughing...

'Are you calling me Irresponsible???' I was pissed...

She stopped laughing and smiled...
'No... You need to start observing... Not just via eyes... Via ears and nose too'


'Well means...

Eyes equal to she's swatting hands a lot,

Ears equal to her sweater is stuck in your handcuffs and her little anklet is making a lot of noise

Smell equal to she has pooped 😁'

She said it all... She was right!

I removed her anklets saying...

'She can wear it once she's 6 months... These are annoying' I was frustrated...

She knew my daughter better.

She wiped her off, fed her slowly and my tantrum queen had some but then started swatting again...

I started laughing loudly...

'Now where are your observations' I teased her
To which she smiled and said... 'Thats because she is sleepy'

I was observing her how and what she was doing...

She changed her dress made her wear diapers alone and immediately took her closer to her chest...

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