Chennai Chapter🛣️ - Part 3 - When ego clashes against love🔥

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Mahir's POV:

I was smitten by her...My soul was screaming it out loud then what's in the eyes...

Soon lunch was been served and the lunch was organised in the garden area...We waited till the guests finish and finally only our gang was left alone... Nandini Bhabhi's family also went to see off the relatives when we saw the female clan finally joined us for lunch except her!

I wondered where she was when I saw she was posing near the trees and that Dr Joker was clicking her pictures!

'Why does he need her pictures'

'Probably because they are doing their own pre engagement shoot !' Aadi said stuffing some idiyappam with thengai paal...

'Pre -whattttttt???' I shot my head in the direction Aadi said that...

'Yea man.. I thought you got the news ... today morning Arnav proposed to her for marriage and'

'Annnnddd 😡 Annnnnd what did she say?' I was fuming...

'She said a yes!!!'

'What???' I felt like Earth shattered 💔🥺

'Yea man... Good for you...infact tomorrow morning your divorce papers will reach you...after all tomorrow she js going to get engaged to Arnav na...they have organized a beach side engagement ceremony for tomorrow afternoon...we all know...I thought you knew man!!!' Aadi said...

While I was raging in anger😡😡😡

I couldn't keep calm now!!!

I had lost it!!!

The only one question that came in my head was!!!


The next thing I marched into her and pulled her by her arms and took her along to a seperate corner...

That joker kept screaming...
'Heyyy where are you taking her!!!!'

While I turned around and gave him one good glare... Which he shot back at me with same fire!!!

'She is my would be fiance!!!' he barked.

'She is my wife!!! And there is no would-could prefixes attached to it! She is!!! She always will remain!' I shouted...

And he was shocked!

I showed him my index finger and said..
'Not Today!!! Back offfff!'

And I dragged Bela with me to the corner...

I pinned her to the wall and she was hell scared!

And I was hell angry!!! 😡

Bela's POV:

Aaru told me he needs some of my pictures as memories as the ones he had were quiet old.

So my buddy turned a pro photographer today and I was been clicked...

I felt a strong gaze on me...🙄

When I turned a bit I could see it was him!

And Aadi told him something post which Mahir was fuming!!!

I was warned!

I didn't want a scene here...I saw Mahir march towards us...

'Lets go Aaru...' to which he said

'Relax baby... He's only fuming...I want him to blast his emotions out!' and he continued clicking my pics...

While I gritted my teeth 'Who plans all this huhh?' I asked...

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