When Snow❄️ found his Sunshine 🌞

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2 months later...

Bela's POV:

(Looking outside her cottage towards the tall snowy mountains early morning...
While she hears a voice)


Oh God... This girl how many times to tell this girl not to call me with that name!!!

What if anyone listens!!!

I turned around to shoot daggers at my personal loudspeaker...

Who was now biting her tongue...

She cutely said 'Sorrryyyyy'

And a smile lingered on my lips..

And she hugged me giving me the coffee cup saying...

'Love you my dearest Gussel Naagin!!! (angry cobra)'

'Shutup Anaconda!!' I gave back

And she started laughing...

I turned around and started sipping my coffee while looking at the beautiful Sutlej river that flows opposite to my house at a distance which has a beautiful view...

I turned around and started sipping my coffee while looking at the beautiful Sutlej river that flows opposite to my house at a distance which has a beautiful view

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Sutlej...the life of Shimla...

Shimla the city that gave new life to Bela Sharma...

No....sorry... Surbhi Sharma...

Thats what my employees know me here as... It was as per instructions from my Di and Jiju because of whom I'm alive today...

2 months past... yet everything was so fresh in my head...

Sometimes you can't forget a few people, few things because they are now a part of you...

Just like that one man I'm trying to run away from...

But then they say right...God has his own plans...

I can't forget him!!! But I have learnt to hate him!

Hate him from the bottom of my heart!!!

My every nerve, every ounce of blood!!! Every cell hates that man!!!

And I'll forever hate him till my last breath!!!

I'm glad i left Bangalore...

Shimla welcomed me with open arms... It's a beautiful city that has people with the heart of gold.

I'm the happiest because here now I have my little world without any blame game, without any tortures, without any questions, without rejection and no HEART ACHE or BREAK!!!

..I was hesitant to reach her first but then she is my only childhood bestie. She is from Shimla although was settled in Australia for 6 years... she came back just on one phonecall to not just begin the new plans I had for this business expansion but she came in leaving her lush salary only because she loves me...

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