Without Love...Only Yours... Husband - Part 2

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Mahir's POV:

She got up from the bed once and for all and asked...

'What the hell...why am I here?'

I looked at her sipping water from the bottle and said very casually...

'Last night you fainted, you had fever so I got you here!'

'You must have to took me back to my penthouse!

I would die rather come to this place of yours and your...'

Words died in her mouth but I understood!

She referred whom!

She was about to step out of the room that's when I told her...

'Atleast I don't go pubbing leaving my 1 month old daughter to a namesake husband and enjoy with different men!'

She turned around and said...

'What are you high on Mr Sehgal...why the hell do you keep on doing my character assassination huhhh???

What do you think your cheap comments will make havoc in my life!

Let me remind you!!! You are a nobody to me! If ever I knew my one tablet last night would cause this drama and me stepping into your and my sister's bed I would prefer to die!'

She was moving away...

I pulled her closer in one go...

She crashed into my chest!

'Jealous Bela??' I smirked.

She took a step back and next she gave me one tight slap.

I was shocked.

'Bela Sharma doesn't get Jealous of anything with respect to Mahir Sehgal. It's just that it makes me feel disgusted that at one point of time I was with a monster like you! Old memories haunt me Mahir Sehgal! I hate them! Very very badly hate them! I hate them more than that I hate you! And my sister... She breathed last in this house Mahir Sehgal! She tried to call me before she died and I ignored her!!! She wanted to talk to me... however and whatever relationship you shared with my sister...
I don't care Mahir Sehgal!
And I'm not Jealous! I'm hurt! I'm upset on myself!

I fell for a man like you... that kills me!

That's why I didn't want to stay here!

This blueberry's hills Penthouse kills me!' she said...

I kept looking at her...she wiped her tears and said

'We have a boundary driven relationship Mr Sehgal! Stay there!

You are my husband for the world.

I'm your wife again only on papers!

Don't fucking dare cross that line!

And don't even dream that you affect me!

You don't!

I have moved on!

But when I come to this house it reminds me how my ex husband and my sister did it to me!

I love Muskaan! I don't want your past with my sister to make me hate my neice!

She's my daughter now!

So next time don't bark all this!' saying she turned around

Just then I got a call from Kuhu...

'Bhai is Bhabhi's fever gone?'

'One minute... ' I put her on video call..

Bela was shocked to see Kuhu...but soon they bonded and we're smiling...

Without Love, Yours Forever.... Destiny (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now