Mahir's heartfelt emotion❤️

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Mahir's POV:

She was still in a state of shock...

I kissed her slowly and steadily...

I pressed my lips into hers like I was invading flower petals of a rose bud!

So soft and so gentle...

Suddenly she realised what was happening and tried pull out but my hands slowly reached her waist and started drawing circles to relax her...she jumped everytime I did that...
So ticklish!!! God she was Irresistible...

My harmones jumped a notch higher...

I bit her lips...

She screamed 'Mahirrr'

Soon I started sucking her lips passionately...

She was pressing my chest like an innocent protestor...

So I stopped!

Took my head back and looked at her ..

She was still closing her eyes...but her head was tilting and moving towards my lips...

God 😂 this woman is funny...

She wants me to and then she doesn't want me to!!!

I laughed silently...

While she opened her eyes...

She probably was a little embarassed 😉..

And I loved to tease her...

She turned around...

But I pulled her back with a solid grip on her waist!!!

' . Presentation' she said...

'Seriously??? Here iam presenting you some real hot kisses... and you want to work 😉 not fair Mrs Sehgal...'

Saying I huskily kissed back of her neck..

She jumped 😂

'Bela.... Bela stop...I want to talk to you ...
No infact tell something and listen something in return...

I said...

She looked at me with her innocent puppy like eyes...

Trying to escape my hold...

But I pulled her on me.

She was shocked...

I looked deep into her brownish black eyes and said...

'Bela... I was an epic ass! I married to cause destruction in your household but little did I know your one slap would make me bring me back into life!!!

Life with you...

Happiness, content, joy and sorrow..we shared and pain I saw it in one glare... your eyes!!!


I want to have you as mine forever!

I wanna repeat this every night to you!

Getting more closer... holding on to you...

Yes you'll remain my friend...but I want you as my wife too!

As my lover too!'

Her breath hitched when I called her that...

I smiled...

'If your breath hitches at just this much what will you do when I tell you my heartfelt emotions wifey' I said ..

And she was seeing my face like a fish..
Opening and closing her mouth 😂

'You know something... I found a new name for you ... '

She looked at my face...

'Al-Bela' I said...

She narrowed her eyebrows...

'Means unique' you are surely one of a kind wifey'...

Or shall I say sample piece 😂😂😂'

While now she frowned and hit me on my chest...

Next minute her baby hands kept attacking my beasty chest!

I don't know what went into me...

I lifted her up in one shot by her waist and pinned her to our bed!

She was shocked 😳

Next I caged her in between my arms!!!

'Mahir jiiii' she a state of shock😳

I kissed her lips...

'What the' she was still shocked...

'Call me ji again and I'll smash your lips into a batter and swallow it raw!!!' I announced...

I saw a lump move in her throat...

She was hell nervous of our proximity and I was madly enjoying it!!! Although I wanted to tease her...she was giving all funny expressions...

'Belaaaaaaah' I said it closer to her ears...

She pouted like a small kid...her eyes were popping out like beans and I could see sweat pearls form at her forehead and upper lips ..

She was hell nervous 😂

I pressed my chest more on her bossom!!!

'I wanna tell you something.... Belaaaaaaaaaa' I said....

Unlucky me!!! Her Phone started ringing...

She quickly pushed to pick the call..

While I sat giving her sweet torture on her neck and hair by embracing my lips on her..

Next second she screamed like my ears would fall off...

'Aaadiiiiiiiii' she sounded so happy that she jumped like a spring and stood straight...🤨

Who's he???

'When' she asked...

Her voice beamed joy and happiness...

'I can't wait Adi....' while she was speaking to whoever it was my lips were still making its way trailing on her neck and shoulders

But the next second she said...

'I missed you too Aadi!!! Can't wait' that's when my lips stopped...

I took a step back and saw her face...

She looked so happy...

She was glowing 🤨

The minute I felt that a man other than me can make her glow...

Some strange anger was screeching in my chest!!


I didn't even know who's it!

But I was hell getting angry!.

She turned around and hugged me...

She squealed...

'Aadi is coming Mahir!!! I'm meeting him after 7 years!' she said happily...

I looked at her face...

'Who Aadi' I asked...

She said...

'My bestie!'

I looked at her profusely...

'I thought I'm your bestie Bela... Remember!' I said with a frown...

'Hes just like you Mahir...he's my childhood friend... you are my new bestie he's my old bestie' she explained...

But I wasn't liking it!

Before I could say anything she went to change her clothes!

I was kind of pissed off!

Ofcourse it's dumb!

He's a stranger!

But I somehow felt a little uncomfortable!


Jealous? 🙄😒

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