Fire🔥 & Water 💦 - Part 1

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Dev's POV:

Things were going perfect!!! Exactly as per the plan 😁

I know now clearly why my Ishu calls me a devil 😈 because I guess I am 🤣

I had made a plan to really fuck up this lover boy's mind so well...

And this time I knew what would make this lover boy blurt out his emotions and say it loud and clear that he needs his wife!!!

So.... As I'm an experienced candidate me I exactly went through my own piece of shitty 3 years when I craved my wife... exactly what triggered me realize my love for her was the strategy I planned to use here too!!!

Age old formula that never fails 😉

Jealousy 😂

So this time I made a full proof plan and involved our entire gang in it!!!

My plan was so impressive that I earned a kiss from my hottie wife ❤️🙈 yeah yeah 5 years of marriage...2 kids and I still can't get over her 😉 secret secret trying to convince her for the third one 😁

And now she's given me a challenge that I unite these two love birds I can get my third one on the way 😉 wohooooo!!!

So now!!! It's personal!!!

I am doing this hell yeah!!!

It all started with getting 25 hot models from Gaya's fashion week with portfolios...

And as expected we saw volcano blast 🤣🤣🤣

Although we had informed Bela about this and she was totally against it!!!

Ishu my Jaan convinced her 😉

And then they say right god helps those who help themselves...

I took help from Kuhu's friend and the doctor who became my very good friend during the time of Ishu's second delivery planning Dr Arnav Deshmukh...a world renowned pediatrician... Looks like he was Kuhu's bestie...he agreed to help us...but the minute he realized this is for Bela he was hell ready that's when we got to know Bela is his childhood friend.

Bela was so emotional seeing him here obviously she didn't expect this and since then Mahir Sehgal needs a fire brigade 🤣 he's ignoring that model whom he faked as his girlfriend and running behind Bela & Arnav like a love sick Posessive puppy 🤣🤣🤣

Just then Aadi patted my back...

'Broooo... Charan sparsh!!!' he said and bowed infront of me...

I was laughing....

I asked him... ' So the Chennai trip is planned??? You know right... We can't get them be too free here in Bangalore... Chennai is the best place...and anyways we have a big reason too!!!'

To which Aadi said.. 'All organised Saturday early morning we are driving to Chennai... '

So I said.... 'I prefer we drive at night.... Bangalore-Chennai roads are butter smooth!!!'

To which Ishaani came and said ...'No ways Mr Devil... tomorrow is Diwali... We are celebrating it .. everyone will be tired..let's start Saturday morning'

I kissed her cheek saying 'Aye Aye Angel😘'

She chuckled...

I asked her... 'Tomorrow's plan is set!???'

She smiled saying 'Ishaani-Dev' can't wait to welcome their new guests 🤣

I passed a devilish smile 😉

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