Wind 🌀 vs Tide 🌊 and little storm👶

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Bela's POV:

I was standing in the lobby area of Sehgals resort.

It was the same resort I came yesterday!!!

I saw a bunch of policemen and a minister stepping out of the resort!

Influential 😏

Although I didn't know Mahir owned the resort till yesterday I know what had he turned into all these years!!!

Huhhh!!! Finally turned a businessman Mahir Sehgal?

Comeon Bela... You taught him well didn't you

Stop!!! Stop!!! Not the past again!

I so wish I hadn't! District Magistrate officer Mahir Sehgal was way better than this Businessman Mahir Sehgal!

Before coming here you forgot Bela...

Mahir will try using all his contacts being an ex officer!!! How could you forget that Bela!!! Atleast if he was a DM now he couldn't have gone corrupt! But now he has a free hand! He's a mad bull!

Power and position both!

But Bela you have an extra weapon!


Come on! Let's get our hands dirty!!!

I stepped into his lavish cottage in the resort!!!

Akki was already sitting there along with a young man.... probably Akki's assistant!

He was sitting on his Italian single seater recliner!!! And shooting me with his eyes!

I shot him a glare back!!!

Just then I got a call from Suhani my PA...

'Mam...looks like Delhi office has some issues... We just got a call from the officials saying some problem with the land and they want to meet you or Grewal Sir! But you know mam Grewal Sir left to Paris instead of you for a month! So.... I guess you will have to!!'

'Ill handle it Suhani' I said and cut the call.

I shot him a glare!

I knew I had created a Frankenstein's monster!!!

Monster Mahir Sehgal 😠

He smirked at his move!

Ohhhh....wait for mine Mr Sehgal!!!

Akki noted it! She knew me well!

Soon Mahir was greeted by his receptionist saying...

'Sir...looks like someone has bought the land in and around the resort even the one which was our route and are soon starting construction work! Looks like they are going to start a news printing press here Sir! Which means noise on all 4 sides of the resort, plus they are also leaving a narrow road for us to come in! With that luxury vehicles and SUV's can't enter our resort Sir! It's like we are going to be trapped! This seems like a big one to destroy us Sir!"

He heard that and shot me a glare!

Now was my turn to smirk 😏

I put my legs upon the other leg and leaned on the sofa!

Give up Mahir Sehgal...I may have taught you and prepped you but I'm still your teacher! I have better tricks!

Give up!

Just then we heard a voice!

'If you both are done with your chess with life! Can we behave like matured people?"

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