Chennai Chapter🛣️ - Part 2 - Uyire Uyire Yenn Uyire🔥💞

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Mahir's POV:

Bela's eyes were shooting fire right now!!!

She could probably burn the world into ashes too...

I smiled looking at her. She looked outside the window while our darling daughter started crying again...

Dadda's girl 🤭 my dear attention seeker 😜

Sahi jarahi he beta...bilkul Dadda pe gayi he (good going darling..just like your dad!

Bela again got busy cooing Musky while I slowly nudged Karishma to get up and showed her in action to get up from my shoulders!!!

But my awesome luck 🤦🤷
She thought she should hug me closer...

Next second she literally lied on my chest...

Now 🙊 I was scared to look at Bela...

I slowly looked at her she was fuming!!!

Suddenly she said loudly..
'Aaru why don't you shift have been driving continuously na...'

To which her 'Aaru!!! Bloody joker' stopped the car in one go...'

And said 'Sure baby!!!'

While I knew what's coming next so I pretended to yawn and tilted my head on Bela's shoulder...

'Ohhhhh my head is aching...I can't drive!!!'

To which Archit said....' Dude I have an eye infection I can't drive...'

Kuhu didn't know to drive, Pooja didn't want to drive...

So the last option was Karishma ☺️🤭

I was happily good that the weight is literally getting off my shoulder!

But then the Dr Joker will shift backside!!!

I was quick to say...' Hey Arnav take the passenger seat na ... anyways you need rest it's more comfy ☺️....'

Smart you are.... Mahir Sehgal!!!

Next minute Kuhu denied and the Dr Joker shifted backside...

And I was annoyed!!!

Because Bela who always preferred window seat was more than happy to let go the seat and sat between me and the joker 😡

And the nerve he had he encircled his arms around Bela...

But I was quicker...

Before he did that...I moved my hand crossing Bela's shoulder asking..
'Hey Arnav... Can you pass Musky's bag kept there...

And finally my hand landed on her shoulder.

She shot me a glare!!

But hell I care!!!

No one touches my Bela!!! And that joker!!

She was pissed and had a grumpy face but dhe couldn't protest as Musky was sleeping...

I was feeling very happy to have Bela so close to me ...

But how I wished that Dr Joker didn't sit next to her...he was talking on and on and on!!

But again my daughter Zindabad 🤭...

She started crying loudly!!! Obviously she prefers pin drop silence when sleeping 🤣

Bela started cooing Musky in her arms..and hushed the talking tom next to her 🤣🤣🤣

While I couldn't control my laugh ...

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