Taking your heart away baby 😘

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Bela's POV:

(Sitting in her cabin, leaning onto her business chair)

What just happened an hour ago...

He not just expressed his emotions infront of the entire office but announced loud and clear that I'm still his wife.

Next he did the unthinkable... kissed me infront of the entire office 😳

I mean comeon!!! I'm your boss!!! You can't kiss me like that 🙄

Oh really Bela ... one week back.. You smooched the hell out of his lips!!! In office!!! While in his arms and snuggled into his chest and slept entire night with him on his chest!!!

Don't!!! Don't recall it!!! Shit 🙈

I'm supposed to be angry on him..

I am!!!

Really Bela???

Just then next second I saw a squealing Vish barge into my cabin and turned my chair round and round...

'Vishhhhh stop...are you crazy...'

She hugged me tightly...
'Shit shit shit ... Damn why did I chose to come late today....Damn I missed your kiss... shitttttt!!!' she said...

And I was shocked 😲

'Whattttt.... Who... who told you???'

'Entire office is laughing and giggling at your husband's stunt Mrs Sehgal!!!' she said

And now I was up for s double shock 😳

'You knew????'

To which she smirked and picked apple from her bag crunching it and leaning on the chair opposite to mine and laughed saying...

'I was the mastermind your highness!!! If not you think the CEO Mr Mahir Sehgal would be hired as a mere PA to the Mrs Bela Mahir Sehgal 🤣🤣🤣'

She started laughing...

'Vish ki bacchi....I'm gonna kill you' I ran to hit her with a file near me while she ran outside the cabin and I crashed into something hard...

When I thought I was about to fall two hands held my waist tightly and my eyes met a pair of chocolate brown eyes...

Those eyes that could read my soul ❤️

Those eyes that I could drown into forever ❤️

'Careful............. mam... You must take care of yourself in this condition' he said but my eyes were still interlocked to those choco brown orbs...

I slowly looked away...

None of us were speaking...

Suddenly he said...

'Mam... I'm here to hand over all these to you...'

I looked at them...

It had a pair of cabin and drawer key's, some files, some handmade notes and an envelope.

I was looking into it while he said...

'Today is my last day to work mam!'

I froze 😳

I lifted my head up to see his face...

He was smiling...

'30 days mam... I'm... leaving a day early!!!'

I felt something inside me was shattering again...

My lips parted multiple times but couldn't utter a single word...

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