Wrapped around your little finger - Part 2 😉

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Mahir's POV:

(1 week later)

Time is ticking 1:30am ...

The entire office has left!

Guess what even the cleaning staff 😁

Also the night shift team!!!

But I'm here!!!

In office!!!

Arranging age old files of BFF Group...

In alphabetical order 🤷

Yeahhh...my 'Madam's punishment for serving her evening tea at 6:01 pm instead of 6:00 pm. .

Yup...1 minute late and 🤷

But Comeon Mahir...is this something big???

I have been going through this for a week now...

After the towel incident, I was been laughed off by all the employees ... Yea...

Izzat ka kachra!!!

But then I was always prepared!!

Next day morning she forced me to eat Sabudana Khichduli for breakfast, lunch dinner!!! Yukkkk 🤮

And that's because she knows my love for Sabudana...🥴

Then the next day was my gym day...free of cost in office...😵

I was asked to get print out bundles from 2nd floor to 13th floor 😁 walking!!!

Yeah!!! Take the staircase she said...

The reason my boss gave was it's confidential!!!

When Vish suggested why not print it here...she lied saying the print outs weren't clear here ...

But she forgot we had printers on 9 other floors too... But my madam said 2nd floor one has best clarity 🥴

Next day was my composition day!!!

Yeah!!! I did a spelling mistake in my email... while writing 'competitive' I typed it as 'competition'...

Yeah and then she made my life a big competition to survive!!!

She made me write composition the entire day on all our rival fashion houses!!!

Including our own Gulmohar 🤷


Then she made me take print outs of it which she finally called as shit and made rockets and paperboats out of it!!!

Ohhh ya... how could I forget that day when she saw me talking to Yashaswini and Shelly-Kelly who are quite sweet to me...I made coffee for them in cafeteria...
While we were laughing at lame PJ's but little did I know my boss was already in the cafeteria...

And looks she haaaaates Yashaswini!!!

She saw me making coffee for them so that day cleaning staff was dismissed and I was asked to clean the pantry area and serve coffee to everyone!!!

Matlab tere pyaar me kya kya na bana Bela... (what have I not become in your love)

Kabhi bana waiter kabhi tera chela🐒
(At times waiter at times your side kick)

But then I noticed one good thing...

My closeness with Yashaswini badly bothers her 😉

The only hope in this messy week 🤭

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