Epilogue - Bela-Mahir Forever After ❤️

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Mahir's POV:

The car stopped near a resort by the river side...

It was already quite late... and while I asked the driver I saw my phone ringing...

It was Vish 😊

I quickly picked the call...
'Hey Vish... what's all this' I said...

'Mahirrrr ...it's a gift from a buddy to her buddies dude!!! Enjooooy' she said...

While Bela impatiently asked me to put the phone on speaker..
'Vish... What is all this.. we are near some river here, there is a forest and it's so dark here.. I hope this is not a prank. I'm really getting worried now!!!'

To which Vish said..
'Mahir ...the last row of your car has a box full of chocolates stuff it in your wife's mouth... Mommy lioness is hungry' she said...

To which I started laughing and Bela was angry 😡 but then Vish was so right! The minute I gave her the chocolates , Although hissing in anger she started relishing the chocolates 🤣

'Ok guys... listen to me.. I want you guys to have the best time of your life.. just enjoy you both... Specially you my boy Mahir Sehgal...

Saari kasar puri kar lena...(Fulfill all your ambitions) she'll soon start getting into second trimester then you know after that you'll have to probably wait for Ahhem Ahhem..3-4 months Ahhem Ahhem 😂

Oh my God!!! Vish!!!

Now I know what corrupted my Bela's cute little brain 😜

This is the influence 🤦🙄

'Okie guys.... Byeeee... Enjooooy... and Mahir be gentle!!! And Bela... Control!!!' she said and cut the call...

While I noticed the car driver was laughing 🤦🤦🙄🙄
Why??? Why??? Whyyyyyyyyy'🤦🙊🙈 everyone wants to embarrass us!!!

We stepped inside and we were welcomed by a lady who escorted us to a beautiful setup by the river side...it was serene...

Probably Vish and Yuvi booked us the most romantic getaway from Bangalore

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Probably Vish and Yuvi booked us the most romantic getaway from Bangalore..

I saw Bela's mouth wide open looking at the beautiful private cottage...

We noticed there were no other cottages nearby...

The lady told us...it's a complete private space and that the resort staff will only enter this space on demand. It's a 24/7 service and we are free to call them anytime. Although it looks cozy private, they have everything ready there if needed from staff, to world class cooks, to a on duty doctor to a tight security as this resort is very much near the jungles.

Next she guided us towards the area the dinner was organised for us both and now I was dumbstruck...

Next she guided us towards the area the dinner was organised for us both and now I was dumbstruck

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