Mahir's Bela forever ❤️

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Mahir's POV:

It's been a week since the medical room incident happened and our office staff found me and Bela in an uncomfortable position in the office...

Since then I see office staff has been behaving odd with me and Bela...

I knew there were gossips galore about me being involved with Bela...
It definitely didn't bother me..infact I was happy 😁...
But I saw it bothered Bela a lot ..
And soon even I started disliking the taste of it ..
I was been openly teased by some office folks saying...
'This time Pearl is getting a promotion.. after all he does overtime!!!"

That irked me a lot.

I saw the Bela who was hellbent in making my life a reality show had suddenly gone silent.

She infact asked me to shift into a seperate room too.

I was really getting bothered seeing her this worried. Bela who made me even carry her ladies purse to annoy me was now not letting me bring her even a cup of coffee!!!

One fine day I went to her cabin although I'm been restricted to go in until and unless she calls me...

But that day she wasn't picking my call' and I had urgent papers to be signed.. so I went to her cabin...

'Ummm Mam...these papers of Mr Kukreja's contract'

Before I could say anything I heard a man blast at time...

'You bloody... who are you... how dare you barge into Surbhi's room..'

While Bela interrupted saying...
'Calm down Saarthak... This is my assistant Pearl!'.

To which he gave a sarcastic laugh saying..' Pearl or pebble who cares ...he should fucking know his limits... You...Mr... Next time don't disturb when I'm with my fiance!'

That minute I felt like my world stopped 😳

I looked at Bela... She was looking elsewhere saying...
'He is Mr Saarthak'

While he interrupted her by placing his hands on her shoulders and said..
'Her would-be fiance'

I froze 😳 and Next second I excused myself and walked out of the cabin... My eyes couldn't handle it...

As this time I knew it wasn't a prank or a joke and Anu Di was seriously planning to get Bela remarried.

Tears in my eyes pricked ...I tried to control my tears but they were adamant to flow down...

I ran to washroom...

While coming out I could hear loud voices from the cabin and next second I saw that man come out of cabin yelling on floor...

'Shameful... How shameful.. such a characterless boss you guys have.. how are you people working under her?'

I was shocked 😳 at what he was barking...

He was this way too sweet extravagant, loverboy half an hour back now he's behaving like a pure bastard.

'This cheap woman is guess what pregnant!!!

Imagine... Before marriage!!!

How shameful!!'

I was clenching my fist but before I could react on anything...

I saw a flying slap being plastered on his shit face!!!

I was so proud of her now 😉

Good job Goddess!!!

'How dare you talk shit about my character... Just because you behaved like a jerk and I didn't let you do are behaving like this.... You know what you are disgusting piece of shit! I'm glad I know your true colors now! Believe me for how you misbehaved with me I have the cctv footage...I will make sure you rot in jail so just leave the office premises now!!! Dont think I'm the weak types!!!'

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