I'm your moonlight🌜you're my sunshine 🌞

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Mahir's POV:

She just ran outside...

I couldn't understand what happened... I quickly excused myself and went outside...

I saw she was standing next to our car in parking area ...

I looked at her face...her eyes were shedding continuous tears...

'Bela.... what happened...'

The next minute all she said was...

'Mahir.... I need a favour...'

I looked at her...' Tell me Bela anything... you just tell me...you don't need to like tell'

'Can you please hold me Mahir... Just once
.. please!!!'

I quickly circled my arms around her little body...the next minute she crushed herself into my frame...

And broke down... 🥺

Embracing her in my arm felt surreal but Bela in tears is something my heart couldn't tolerate....

'Bela... Bela...stop crying what happened'

I tried to console her...

'I wanna go home Mahir...I don't like this place... please' she said pulling my collar and shedding more tears...

'Oh...Ok Ok Bela!!! 2 mins...I'll just inform Mr Reddy who organised this programme... you please sit in the car'

I said...

So she said...' No it's fine you quickly come back'

'Ya...just 2 mins Bela' and she nodded...

I quickly went and informed Mr Reddy that my wife isn't keeping well so we have to leave.

Mr Reddy was quite understanding.

When I came back to the car I saw Bela was sitting in the corner of parking area and shivering...

I was shocked seeing her condition,🥺

She was looking scared... infact worse...

'Belaaaaa' I went and picked her up..

She was crying non stop and shivering...

I made her wear my blazer...

She was still shivering...

'What happened here Bela? Did anyone??? '

'Home Mahir....H...H...Home' and she broke down...

'Ya...ok...' I had thousand questions in my head now..

But her condition wasn't the kind that we could really talk...

I took her home....made her sit on the sofa in living area...

'Bela... Look at me...stop crying baby... What happened'

All that came out of her mouth was...

'Vi..vi...vi...k.... Vikrant'

I didn't understand anything...

'H....he...he...is h...h...here.in Ba...Ban... Bangalore'

Then it striked me...

The guy who got the last award this evening..

Shit!!! That's the Vikrant who maligned Bela's name...

Shit!!! Why didnt it strike me before!!!

I quickly sat next to Bela on the sofa and hugged her tightly...

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