Coming out like we're fireworks

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hey this is my first story, so please tell me if theres anything you think I could do differently/better. hope you enjoy!

Alex pov

I'm finally gonna do it. I'm gonna tell them. they deserve to know. I shouldn't be so nervous- they love me- I'm their son. they just want me to tell the truth- its gonna be alright-

Alex's mom: honey? are you ok? you look like you've seen a ghost!

Alex: im ok I just-

why am I so scared?

Alex: I just need to tell you something.

mom: what is it sweetie?

Alex : dad? mom?

dad: spit it out! I have places to be

Alex: im- well I-

mom: out with it!

my head hurt. was it really the right time? maybe I could tell them after school-

dad: are you planning on telling us, or just staring at your goddamn waffle?

Alex: I think I'm gay

dad: speak up boy!

Alex: I think I'm gay!

my mom dropped her fork and knife and my dad looked at me in total disbelief. why did I think this was a good idea?

mom: what?

Alex: I like men...

mom: oh my god. oh my god

dad: thats not funny! you scared your mom!

Alex: dad- I'm serious

dad: don't play with me boy!

I started to cry. just a little, but it made my dad angrier

dad : man up! I did not raise you to be gay. in fact-

mom: don't worry baby! I'm calling the church! we're gonna have you all fixed up in no time!

all those nerves from before came poring out of me- in the form of tears. why do they care so much? I'm still their son...

dad: say something! don't just stand there like a sissy!

mom: its ok honey! we'll take him to church after school and help him out of it

dad: its not ok! he's brought shame to our family!

my dad was screaming, my mom was running around frantically, and I was bawling, which just made my dad more mad.

dad : stop crying! real men don't cry! stop acting so- gay!

Alex: I can't! I'm gay! I didn't want to keep that a secret anymore because I hate hiding things from you guys- I-

I was done. it was comments like those that made me come out in the first place. I was crying, and snot was dripping down my face, and I didn't know what to do- so I yelled back. I had to something, but apparently it was the wrong thing.

Mom: I just don't know where we went wrong!

dad: I didn't raise a- a FAGGOT!

the next thing I felt was a burning pain against my layer of tears. my dads hand flew at me so fast I swear I felt the pain before I saw it. he had never hit me before- I was his son- my thoughts were running faster than I could and my parents were making more homophobic comments than I thought one person could make. was it hot in here? It felt like I was watching all of this unfold on a tv screen- it didn't feel real. everything got kind of dizzy and I couldn't move. what was happening? was I still their son? why couldn't I hear them? was I dead? did he knock me out? why couldn't I see? why was I so dizzy?

*ding dong*

the doorbell. thats the doorbell. I should go answer it. I wonder who it is.

for whatever reason the doorbell snapped me out of whatever that was. my parents had stopped talking by now, and I got up, and went to answer the door. I was fine now, so why did everything seem so wrong?

I opened the door.

I apologize for this chapter. it is anything but good and its really short , but this is my first story and Idk what homophobic parents are like when you come out seeing as I have not- come out. also I'm freakin out a bit bc nothing triggers a panic attack like writing about a panic attack! :) promise for a longer 2nd chapter.

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