chapter 5

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2 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑠 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟:

it had been Two weeks since I came home from my last tour and a lot had happened.

I and Jay had moved in finally with the help of intelligence and our buddies, I had formed a good relationship with intelligence especially Erin and Nadia we can relate to a lot of things also me and Kevin have become buddies. I had reunited with the mouse and the others went out for a drink or two. And I had been going to therapy.


I woke up to my alarm blaring into my ear telling me to get a pit of bed.

I opened my eyes and sighed. It was my first of work today I should be excited but I just wasn't.

I got out of bed and went into the kitchen to see Jay at the breakfast bar in just some gym shorts, no shirt, drinking coffee.

"good morning," jay said not even looking at me.

"How did you know I was there" I replied.

"Cass I have known you my whole life I could hear your toes clicking whilst you walk," he said gulping his coffee.

I poured myself a cup of coffee and said "that is very specific and creepy"

"did you forget I am a cop I take notice of the little things" he mumbled?

I sat and drank all my coffee and went to get showered and ready.

Whilst I was showering I heard a knock at the door but I ignored it.

I finished my shower got myself dressed into my new scrubs and walked out the bathroom to see mouse and Erin sat on the couch.

"bathrooms free," I said to a half-naked jay." and put a shirt on"

"Hey, Cass" Erin and mouse said together.

"Hey guys," I said back.

I got my bag and coat ready to leave and shouted "I am leaving for work"

"alright go safe some lives" jay shouted back from the shower.

"you too and don't get shot," I said

I said bye to mouse and Erin and walked to Chicago med seems as tho it was a couple of blocks away and it was a nice September day.

once I had arrived I walked up to a brown herd of a lady in the trauma bay.

she looked up at me and said " hey you must be our new chief of trauma I am maggie Lockwood"

I shook hands with her and said "yes I am I am Cassandra smith but please call me cassie"

"no problem I will take you to Mrs goodwin to get you all set up and do I know you I swear I have heard your name before, not to be rude," she said

"Umm you may know my best friend Jay Halstead the detective and my brother bobby smith the fireman," I said.

"ahh you're the cassie we have been heard of guessing you now jays older brother Will"

"yeh I grow up with the ginger how do you know him" I laughed.

"did you not know he works here he is known as the trouble maker and my favourite ginger," she said.

"no I did not I thought he was still in New York but I'm guessing I didn't get the news I have missed a lot"

"Yeh Will called us that you served with jay," she asked

"yeah I served two tours with him he left and I did four more just came home a couple of weeks ago still get used to not sleeping with a riffle" I mumbled the last part.

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