chapter 48

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it had been six months since Jay's dad died and a lot of things have happened.

the twins are talking a bit better when I mean a bit they have gotten Dada and Mama in the bag and that is about it. there somewhat walking can go some distance but then again that's what you expect from some 11 month old. 

other things had happened obviously but oh well it was the twins first birthday and both me and Jay were wrapping their birthday presents whilst the twins were asleep.

we were sat in the living room floor when jay said "can you believe that there one year old tomorrow because it feels like a dream to me" 

"oh you have no idea," I said wrapping the last of Elijahs presents and starting on Auroras.

"you ever think about if we have another one," he asked me.

I looked at him quite shocked "what another kid" I asked.

"I mean yeh it would be nice to have another one right," he said.

"oh of course it would be great but not now" i said.

"yeh not now but we can still practise," he said raising his eyebrows up and down and I laughed.

"don't you think we have sex enough I'm surprised I'm not pregnant now," I said?

"no," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"you're like a horny teenager," I said getting up to grab a beer for both of us.

"I am not I just love you a lot," he said.

"stop lying to your self Jay," I said handing him his beer.

"so it wont be a bad idea to start trying" he said.

"it wouldn't be a bad idea I could always stop getting the jab and see where it takes us," I said.

"all right then," he said with a smile on his face.

"But let's not go crazy ok with trying every night or them charts let's just do it when we're horny not push ourselves," I said and he raised his eyebrows.

"ok, not when we are horny you know what I mean if we did it when you were horny we would be doing it non-stop," I said and he smirked that stupid smirk.

"I mean true but no pushing ourselves" he nodded.

we continued to wrap the presents and set them in the front room in different piles and then we walked to the bed.


it was the next morning and I woke up to an empty bed. I rolled over to look at the monitors in the twin's room and saw that their cots were empty. 

I got out of bed and walked into the living room to hear Rory screaming and running about naked and Eli chewing on one of his chew toys since he was a little shit and started to bite people.

"oh Rory were your clothes," I said and she turned around and waddled to me with her grabby hands saying, mama.

I picked her up and gave her some kisses.

"good morning pretty girl," I said and walked over to Eli and picked him up and gave him some kisses which made him laugh.

"happy birthday my babies," I said and carried them into the kitchen.

"wheres dada," I said as Jay turned around and smiled at us, he only had his boxers on and his hair messy with his little curls which I loved.

"good morning sleepyhead," he said and went back to cooking.

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