chapter 25

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*2 days later*

the last two days had been emotionally draining I spent almost every hour with family and friends we did almost everything imaginable bowling, movies, clubbing, to the arcades walks on the beach went for food, paintballing and lots more. I loved it. every second of it.

it was my last night before I left for tomorrow and it was me, logan, Mouse, Jay, Will. in the apartment. everyone had left to go get some rest before tomorrow, I was in the living room packing my bags so I am ready for tomorrow whilst the boys sat there and talked.

"what are we going for food tonight," Jay asked.

"umm we could go get some chipotle," I said.

" don't think you want diarrhoea for tomorrow shall we just stick with Mcdonalds," Will asked getting his phone out to order the food.

"let's do it," I said and everyone else agreed and we ordered our food. after about 20 minutes there was a knock at the door Jay went up and it was food. he brought it to the coach and gave each person their meals and we ate. it took me quite a while to eat because I was finishing packing.

"what movie" logan said who had the tv remote in his hand.

"you choose logan just no chich flicks please" I begged.

"ok how about grown-ups that's a funny movie," he said and turning the movie on.

we then sat watching the movie for the 1 hour and 45 minutes it was on, when the movie ended the boys left one by one to go home then just leaving me and Jay. I had moved my stuff to the front door when I heard Jay say "you ready for tomorrow"

"umm I don't know it has been quite a while since I was out there I mean I know what to sort of expecting but I don't think I will ever be ready you know," I said and he nodded.

"yeah I get what you are saying," he said.

"hey whilst you are gone I want you to stay out okay if you need anything to talk to go to someone if you are having nightmares episodes again please don't hold back in going to someone it might not be a professional it might be Will or Platt I just need you not to lose yourself when I am gone because I can't lose you okay," I said sternly.

"yeah ok," he said.

"no, I want you to say that you promise to see or go to someone if you are struggling even in the tiniest bit because if I get a letter or call from someone saying that you are losing it I will come back and I will kill you ok," I said.

"I promise that I will go to someone if I am struggling in any way is that good enough for you" he sassed.

"alright smart ass I don't need the sass" I laughed.

"I am going to miss you a lot," e said.

"I will miss you too like a lot as well," I said I brought him into a hug and said "hey please no tears tomorrow I don't think I could handle you crying," I said.

"I will try," he said his voice filled with emotions.

"hey I will be fine, okay I have Jake he has my back and I have a lot of experience I semi know what I am walking into," I said and he nodded.

"Can I stay with you tonight," he said.

"of course I would be very surprised if you didn't," I said bringing him out f the hug.

"come on we got to sleep big day tomorrow Halstead," I said.

*the next morning*

This morning had gone pretty smooth woke up, showered, ate and now I was getting into my gear whilst Jay was showering. I was finishing my hair n the living room when there was a knock at my door.

"come in" I shouted and the door opened. Will, Natalie, Erin, Mouse and Logan all walked in. 

"morning cass," Natalie said.

"Hey guys," I said putting some more hair spray in my hair to finish it off.

"where is Jay," Will asked.

"I think he is showering," I said and just in time, Jay walked into the living room in just his boxers.

"cass have you seen my blue shirt," he asked.

"yeh on your washing pile on the kitchen side with your jeans," I said.

"Thanks," he said walking to the kitchen.

"you walk around half-naked in your apartment all the time," Logan asked.

"I don't see the problem you, Cass and Mouse saw me naked so has Will, unfortunately, Erin has seen me naked and nat has a hand over her eyes," he said pointing to nat who has both hands over his eyes as he got is jeans on.

"you can open your eyes now," Will said.

"Who else is meeting us at the airport, " Erin asked.

"urm my dad brother his kids that is all I know probably med and intelligence but how knows," I said shrugging my shoulders.

"well we better get going or you will not be going at all," Jay said. they stood up and walked out of the apartments and I grabbed my two bags. we drove to the airport and I got through security and all of us walked down to my gate to see everyone from med, 51 and intelligence including my family sat.

"what you guys doing here," I asked.

"you thought that we wouldn't give you a proper goodbye right smith," Ethan said.

"well who nows with you lot," I said.

"you ready" Platt asked.

"Nope not one bit" I laughed 

"What happens now," Adam asks.

"well, I will get on a normal plane to the place where the base is then I will fly from the base to Afghanistan then fight a war nothing that exciting," I said.

when is your flight" my dad asks.

"in about a half-hour," I said.

we all talked until my plane arrived and they started to board, I hugged everyone apart from the odd couple.

I hugged bobby "hey you look after them kids okay"

"you stay alive a well okay," he said.

I then hugged my dad "stay safe Hunny okay" he said and I nodded.

I hugged Will, mouse, Logan, the kids and lastly was Jay who was stood in the background being quiet trying not to cry.

"hey blue what did I say no crying," I said grabbing him into a hug.

"I don't want you to go," he said letting go of his fight of emotions and started crying which set me of.

"I know I know but I will be back before you know it," I said coming out of the hug.

"Hey hey look at me whilst I am gone you are going to catch some bad guys and you are going to finally go to do something about you and Erin ok, and like I said last night any nightmares flashbacks, episodes even the tiniest thing you go to Will, Erin, Voight, Platt I don't care who you are going to got to someone and get help you got that you stubborn little shit," I said laughing at the end.

"I got to go okay I love you so much," I said.

"love you to" he replied.

I grabbed my stuff and walked onto the plane.


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