chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning to my alarm going of telling me to get my ass out of bed. I got up and hopped into the shower and washed my hair. Once I got out the shower, I did my routine of putting my scrubs on for work. And did my hair in French braids and walked out of my room to see Erin and jay talking in the kitchen.

"hey love birds" I said walking into the kitchen to grab my bag for work.

"Cassie you do know nothing if going on between us to right" Erin said taking a gulp of coffee.

"oh, yeh I know but when you both stops being stubborn and sleep together, I will be saying I told you so" I said.

"shouldn't you be at work" jay said.

"shouldn't you be at work "I said back.

"alright sassy ass goes to work I'll see you after shift whenever that is" jay said grabbing my bag trying to get me out of the apartment.

"I have a 12-hour shift do you think you can survive that long without me "I said leaving.

"I'll be fine ok and remember to take your medication you got them "he asked.

I grabbed my meds from my bag and waved them around. I said my goodbyes and left putting my music on and walked to work.

When I got there, I walked into the breakroom created by Natalie.

"dr smith" she said nodding her head in greeting.

"Dr manning how are you" I asked taking my jacket and bag of putting it in my locker I looked at the photo of my old unit before our first tour. And put my dog tag on. And got my meds out to take.

"I am good how are you" she replied hesitantly from seeing my medication.

"I am good thank you "I said noticing her reaction. And taking them not bothered about what she thinks.

She walked out and will walked in greeting in passing each other.

"you okay Cass you seem uncomfortable" he said

"do you think Natalie has a problem with me" I asked honestly looking up to him.

"no not that I now of why you asked" he asked confused.

"last week she started giving me weird looks after she tell me book a therapy session with Doctor Charles on the computer and just now, she gave me for taking my medication do you think that I am not ready to come back to work because of my PTSD" I said panicked.

"look I don't think miss Goodwin would have hired you if you didn't think that you were ready" he said.

"but that was before my episode and therapy and the meds" I said.

"" if it was still a problem you wouldn't be standing here right now would you know you wouldn't do let peoples looks make you overthink let's get to work, we have a long shift" he said walking out with me.

"Dr smith you have incoming a car crash victim" Maggie said.

"got it urm Will you with me "I said

The paramedics came in with the patient "Jared wilks 35 years old responsive the whole ride, possible fracture to his femur large gash on the back of his head possible belly bleed as well we gave him some drugs for the pain" they said placing him in the bay.

"transfer n,two, three" I said as we moved him

"let us get an ultrasound on that belly. A fully body x-ray and a head scan to see how much that gash has done" o said as we all worked on him.

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