chapter 51

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It's been a month since we came back from our honeymoon and I was just over 20 weeks pregnant and we had found out that there was a very healthy baby in there.

I had just finished an overnight shift at work and I walked in the door to hear the house quiet which was nice since the twins were at daycare and Jay was at Work and I popped the mail on the side and put my bag away and went back to wear the mail was and went through it there was some junk mail and then there was a card that looked like a wedding invite or a birthday party invite and there was two one for jay and me. I opened mine and it was a 10-year high school reunion that was happening in two days.

I picked up my phone and called Jay to know he was most likely on his lunch break.

"Hey babe" Jay answered.

"hey, I hope you are not busy" asked.

"nope what up" 

"well I just wanted to let you know that in two days there's a ten-year reunion at school if you want to go," I said.

"actually could you come over that could help with the case were on," he said.

"wait what how," I asked puzzled.

"just come with the invite please I will explain," he said.

"yeah ok be ten minutes," I said and he hung up.

I put my shoes on and walked out to the car and drove to the district with the invite. 

I walked into the precinct and walked up to Platt.

"hey Platt can you buzz me up please," I said.

"yeah sure," she said and I walked up to intelligence and saw that nobody was there.

then I saw Jay sitting at his desk in full focus on his work and I walked up to him.

"hey, you want to explain what's up," I asked and he looked up to me.

"yeah sure," he said walking to the board and flipping it.

"so in high school, you remember Jake Johnston," he asked.

"yeah, he was an asshole why," I asked.

"well he has been raping and killing women," Jay said.

"oh shit," I said shocked.

"yeah I know so that invite when you mentioned it I looked on the Facebook group and saw that he was going so I talked to Voight and us two are going undercover in two days," he said.

"wait us two," I said confused.

"well me more than you," he said.

"wait why would Jake openly go to an event when he has been raping and killing women," I asked.

"because he isn't that smart he is smart since he has killed six women no evidence but he slipped a little on his 7th woman and we found camera evidence of him, "Jay said.

"and your positive you want me to go," I said.

"I am worried don't get me wrong but I don't think he I going to get you he has a type of blonde and blue eyes you have brown hair and blue eyes," he said and I nodded.

"I'm gonna go home and sleep you picking up the twins," I asked and Jay nodded.

"hows munchkin," he said putting his hand on my small pump.

"it's good made me vomit for the first time today didn't like the lunch," I said.

"what you have," I asked.

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