chapter 30

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It had been a couple of weeks since I came home and everything was great I had properly settled back, Jay was at work now as I was able to do everything without people watching me. It was almost the end of the day when Jay texted me saying that he was taking me on that date that he said he would take me on and that he would be home in a bit so I should get ready and dress comfy but still hot.

I was confused at why he wanted me to wear something comfy since I expected him to take me to some restaurant but I am guessing he had different ideas but wasn't surprised since this was Jay we are talking about. I walked into my closet and pick out my blue jeans, and a nice woolly jumper and laid it down on my bed as I went and jumped into the shower and clean.

after I had finished my shower and get dressed and put my face on (makeup). I walked back into the living room and saw jay leaning on the back of the coach in different clothes that he wore to work. to work he wore a blue wool jumper and jeans with his boots now he was wearing some grey joggers and a shirt with his Nike shoes.

"hey," I said and he looked up from his phone.

"hey" he replied "you ready to go"

"Yeah, but you went all out with the comfy clothing I mean how long wear they in your locker," I said walking to the coat rack and getting both my and Jays jacket since it was the start of fall and freezing.

"They have been in my locker years and surprisingly they still fit me"  he smiled.

we both walked out of the apartment and into the car when I said "okay so where are we going"

"well that is a surprise," he said driving to where ever we are supposed to be going.

"you know I don't like surprises," I said.

"I know but I promise you will love it and it will bring back some memories," he said slapping my thigh.

it took us around twenty minutes for us to part outside where we were going and it brought back was the diner Will, Jay, Bobby and I used to go to every Friday after school.

"you're joking right," I said with a massive smile on my face.

"nope I knew that you would something Loki since your arm and your face hasn't healed yet and I wanted to take you somewhere so thought why not take a trip down memory lane," he said and got out of the car.

"you are unbelievable" I laughed and got out of the car.

we walked into the diner hand in hand and order what we would when we were teens jay chicken tenders and chips with a coke and a grilled cheese sandwich with a side of onion rings with a milkshake for me and sat down in a booth.

"you're amazing you know that," I said.

"oh wait for your next surprise," he said with a smirk on his face.

"and what is that Halstead," I said.

"I know you mentioned the other day that you wanted to see that I, Tonya movie and how you said it looked good so I went and got us tickets and the next screaming is in 2 and half hours," he said just as a waiter came and brought us out food and drinks.

as the waiter left I said "your joking right"

"nope so get that food down your neck" he laughed eating his chicken.

after eating our food and talking a bit we decided to leave an hour until the movie because it would take a while to get there. we drove there and made the movie just in time we got popcorn, sweets and drinks and sat in our seats for the movie.

*2 hours later*

we walked out of the movies and slowly walked to the car.

"so you like the movie," he asked me holding my hand.

"yeah it was great wasn't expecting to be that good but that Sebastian stan is hot I can't lie," I said.

"what about me," he said looking offended.

"what do you mean what about me," I said.

"well am I not hotter than this Sebastian," he said.

"of course you are hotter than him but I am just saying whoever dates him is one lucky woman," I said.

"yeah true," he said.

"We gonna go home now," I asked.

"yep, and sleep because I am shattered," he said leaning his head on the top of mine and yawning.

"you want me to drive," I asked.

"you cant you only have one available hand," he said.

"I can still use it" I argued.

"still you are not supposed to be driving so I am," he said.

"cant blame a girl for trying," I said.

"hey you will be driving in no time," he said as we got to the car.

we got it and started driving home which only took 20 minutes because the streets were empty which is quite weird when it comes to Chicago.

when we got to the apartment we hung all of our stuff up and got changed into some comfy clothes of well our underwear. we laid in bed and Jay kissed my lips.

"I am glad you had a good night," he said.

"I had an amazing night thank you I didn't realise how romantic you are," I said.

"barely we went to a diner and the movies," he said.

"I would rather do that than do something really basic and go to a restaurant you thought about it and made it special I don't know if that is just me but that is what a romantic evening is like in my book," I said.

"well, maybe we should do something similar to that after you get that cast-off," he said.

I turned the light off and laid down in bed wrapped in jays arms "you are one of a kind Jay" I whispered.

"So are you, babe," he said falling into a deep sleep and I followed behind.

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