chapter 24

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it had been a couple of months later and everything was going great, dad, bobby and the kids had been spending more time together. everything was going great.

I was doing rounds on my patients when I got paged to go see miss goodwin. so I slowly made my way up t her office when I got there I knock and heard a quiet come in.

I walked into her office and saw Captain Andrews sat in a chair.

"Hey, what's up," I said and Andrews stood up.

"Andrews what's going on is it Jake is he ok," I asked getting nervous.

"oh no he is fine but I came to say that you are being deployed back to Afghanistan for a rescue mission," he said.

"when," I said.

"you fly out in three days and are briefed on the mission on your way there until then we need a blood and urine test," he said and I nodded.

"cassie I will have April do the workup for you and when you come back you will have your job so don't worry about it and you can have these days off to spend with family, "she said.

"cass go home tell bobby, Will, mouse and Jay they will wanna know," he said.

"oh god Jay," I said.

"hey he will be fine he has lots of people around him to look after him," he said.

I said my goodbyes and I walked back to the ER and asked Maggie for everyone to meet me in the breakroom.

I was waiting until everyone comes in. and sit down.

"cassie what is going on" DR Charles asked.

"umm so you are the first people to know except Goodwin but I will no longer be working alongside you lots for a while," I said.

"what why," Natalie asked.

"I am getting deployed back to Afghanistan," I said and everyone face went back.

"what no you can't go you have just come back what about jay" Will started rambling.

"I know I know I don't have a chose I don't wanna leave you or Jay but I got to" I sid.

"When do you leave," Maggie asks.

"I'm fleeing out in three days," I said.

"oh dam," Ethan said.

"hey I will be fine I have done this all before for a long time I will come back," I said.

everyone just sat there with a sad look on their faces not knowing what to do until their pagers went off and they left.

I walked into one of the rooms to get a test done and then put a rush order on it.

I then walked over to my locker got everything out of it and into my backpack. Natalie thenwalked in.

"hey I need you to do me a favour," I said to her.

"what's that," she asks.

"I don't know what will happen to me when I am gone and I don't know if will make it out but whilst I am gone watch out for Will because he is one of the best things in my life right now and I just need to know that someone has his back," I said.

"Yeah, no problem," she said and smiled.

I then nodded my head and walked out giving my pager to maggie then walked out of the hospital for the last time until I come back.

I then decided to go over to the precinct and tell Jay and mouse straight away.

I walked into the precinct and over to Platt.

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