chapter 7

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It was the next week and I was sat in Dr Charles office him Diagnosing me or whatever you want to call it.

"so cassie we have discussed lots of things over the last week and I have come to a diagnosis" he said leaning his arms onto his desk.

"just please hand it to me straight doc" I said.

"very well I have diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder I know you probably well aware of PTSD but I just want to give you a refresh of the treatments as you know we like to wait and watch you through these sessions to see if the symptoms get better or worse without treatment and Cassie I am just going to say this you have been through a lot your entire life from your parent to being in the foster system to being in the Rangers it is a lot and I have decided to give you some medication to help with the nightmares etcetera do you understand" he said

"yeh I understand" I said.

"I am going to prescribe a small amount at first and if you need more, we will up your dose we are going to give you Sertraline and paroxetine or Antidepressant and then Prazosin to help with sleep you will take them the amount in what the packed says you okay with that" he said.

"yeh I am perfectly fine with that "I said emotionless.

"so, I will see you soon for your next session with will be Wednesday (it is currently Monday) you can get your prescription downstairs if you need a call you now my number on work and home"

Doctor Charles gave me a piece of paper to get the drug and I set of to go collect them.

The last week had been mentally and physically draining since the incident outside of work the nightmares were getting worse to the point where Jay was scared to leave me alone at night and I had my first episode, and it was not good.


it was Thursday and I had just finished a 13-hour shift and it was hectic it was 1 o'clock in the morning and I tried to be quiet because I knew I would wake someone up.

I was in the kitchen eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when I heard a pair of footsteps and they were coming towards me at a fast speed. I quickly grabbed onto of the large steak knives that was on the counter and spun around and aimed it at a shadow it was jay, but I did not know that all I could see was a shadow. I did not move from my position the knife tip pointed straight and his throat it was touching his next making a dent in his skin from it but luckily there was not enough pressure to cause a problem.

The shadows mouth was moving repeating the same word but there was no sound just movement.

After a while maybe ten minutes I was able to make out the shadows face still not clear enough to properly see but I can see his facial structure it was a man also I could start to hear his voice it was quiet at first, but it became clear.



"cassie!" he said.

I know that voice, I know that voice, I know...... JAY I was pointing a sharp knife a jay.

My breathing started to become uneven I could not breathe.

I dropped the knife to the floor and completely broke down into sobs and collapsed onto the floor just as jay caught me.

"oh my god I could have killed you I could have killed you " I repeated sobbing.

"But you didn't I'm hear I'm fine I'm hear I'm ok"


I had arrived at the pharmacy front desk that is in the hospital to collect my prescription.

"hey, I'm here for my prescription's said handing her the sheet of paper.

"ok no problem "she said grabbing the bag and came back.

"ok so twice a day if you run out call us to get a refill" she said smiling.

"thank you" I said and walked of.

I walked through the med bay but it was packed to the top so I did not socialise even though I probably would not have even though even if it were quiet.

I got into my new car that I just got a couple of days ago and got my phone out to see 3 missed calls from jay and a text saying to come down to the district I answered yes and set of.

I arrived at the district and asked Trudy to buzz me up and of because she said said yes, I walked up the stairs to see jay sat at his desk and everyone else doing paperwork.

"hey what's with missed calls" I asked him

He took a breather and said" we have a problem"

"what kind of problem" I said confused.

"before I tell you she just showed up here I didn't even know she was in Chicago never mind that she knows where I work, I mean I have since I was what 15" them words got everyone's attention" she just showed up I promise"

"wow wow wow alright holds up who is it is it ally because if it is ill box her god dam teeth in" I said.

"wait where did you get ally from last time; I saw her was like a year ago" he said.

"you slept with that slag how many times did she cheat on you practically every lad in our year and then you would break up then when she finish will him, she would crawl back into your trousers and you know why she told me this sis is because you were apparently very good in bed" I said.

"ok ok ok I get it, but this has nothing to do with her it has to do with her "he said pointing to the break room.

I turned around and instantly turned back "what the hell is she doing here"

"couldn't tell you she just said she wants to talk to you probably for money... and before you say anything, I tried to tell her to come back but she is as stubborn as you" he said.

I gave him a glare "ha ha ha come on jay what am I going to do I haven't had a proper conversation wither since dad went to jail because I blamed her, and I thought that was her fault I was nine and I still don't know what happened that night except I lost my dad" I said walking into the breakroom.

I opened and closed the door catching her attention.

"hello Cassandra" she said.

"what do you want..."


i hope you enjoyed please do give suggestion to hat i could add into this stories because  if am honest i need some ideas and it would give me some ideas after one. if you get me.

i also want to say to all my viewers that are not for the UK i am very sorry if you don't understand some of the words but i do  try to use non British words if you understand but ill try 

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