chapter 26

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it had been 13 hours later, I had gotten to the base been briefed about the mission and now I was on a plane with my old unit to Afghanistan.

"you ready smith" one of my men, Jordan, said.

"more than ready, are you ready," I asked.

"as ready as I will ever be"he laughed.

*ten hours later*

we had all landed safely in Afghanistan everyone still breathing and not missing limbs yet which was an amazing achievement.

"Hey Smith let's set up camp here for the night and start patrol," Jake said.

"you heard the man set up the camp and we can go over everything to get this mission done and we can go home to our family and friends," I said.

*five months later*

we had gone over the five-month mark on this mission and everything was going better than expected everyone was alive, not everyone was here because of injuries but everyone is alive.

we were currently going through a small abandoned village in the middle of nowhere looking for where our reuse mission was.

"hey, smith do you think this is where they are hiding the hostages," Jake asks through the radio.

"I don't know Jake" I replied.

just as I said a bomb went off about 100 yards away from us.

"there hear eyes up" I shouted.

gunshots started to goof and shouting.

"there here," Jake said shooting a Taliban.

they all came around us we have trapped no escape we were outnumbered. they all ran towards us shooting at us. the thing I saw was a man running towards me like a crazy man screaming with a rifle in hand before everything went black and I felt a pain in the back of my head.

*pack in Chicago at the 21st district*

it was an average day at intelligence it had been five months since Cassie had left and not a lot had changed only that Erin and Jay's relationship had become more serious and Yate had escaped prison and is now dead thanks to Lindsay but cassie already knew that because of the skype call Jay and cass had they didn't happen frequently but they loved it.

Platt was at the front desk shouting at some rookies when a man in full army gear walked into the district and walked to her desk. she sent the rookies of and moved all of her attention t the man in uniform.

hello how can I help you" she asked.

"I am here to see Jay Halstead and Gregory Gerwitz please," he said.

"no problem I will take you to them," she said instantly knowing it is about cassie.

they both walked up the stairs to see the unit being briefed by Voight.

"what's up Platt," Voight asked.

"This man would like to see Jay and mouse," she said. 

"Yeah, what's up," Jay said standing up.

"I think it would be more acceptable to talk in private Halstead, Gerwitz," he said.

"if it's about cassie you can say in front of these their family," Jay said.

"okay well his morning we have lost connections with the unit that both Smith and Ortez was in we sent a rescue team down to their last know location and it seems that that is MIA taken by the Taliban all their gear weapons was there," he said and everyone's faces dropped.

"but you have men looking for the right," Jay said.

"We do we just sent out another rescue unit to look for them we have an idea of their whereabouts but with the enemy, it may take a while," he said.

"how do you know that it was cassies unit," Mouse asked.

"because we found this," he said holding up a photo of Jay, Cassie and Will when they were in high school.

"they have cassie," Jay said taking the photo of the man.

"right I have to go, Halstead, okay Gerwitz I will immediately get in touch with you if we find them just don't get your hope up to you both to know that it is rare they will be able to find them at all let alone alive," he said. walking down the stairs probably to go inform cassies brother and father leaving the unit and Platt in total shock not moving just in total shock.

it took them quite a while from them to go back to the case everyone but Jay he still hadn't moved or talked his eyes were blank showing no emotion he was just staring at the photo of him, cass and Will in his hand. the team knew not to bother him and let him sit there and figure out everything I mean he just found out that the most important person in his life had been kidnapped by some of the evilest terrorist groups in the world and he couldn't do anything about it just sit there like a sitting duck.

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