chapter 18

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it was the next morning and I woke up to noises coming from the kitchen so I walked out of my room. I walked in to see jay rushing about.

"Hey, what's going on," I asked.

he turned around and said "there is a murder and they think that it is linked to some other murders that happened like 10 years ago or something," he said.

"oh god okay well i have my day off so if you need anything like lunch being brought over just give me a ring ok," I said.

"you got it," he said saying his goodbye and leaving when my phone started to ring. I walked into my room and saw that it was Emma 

"Hey kid what's up," I said.

"Hey, can you come to drop me off at school I missed the bus and nobody else is picking up their phone," she asked?

"Yeah okay, I'm coming," I said hanging up. i quickly got some joggers and a flannel and walked out of the apartment I put my hair is a messy bun just as I arrived outside.

Emma got into the car and we said our hellos and I started driving to the school.

"so you gonna tell me why you missed the bus," I asked.

"yeah yesterday was studying for this project and my dad moved all of my stuff that I needed to take to school and he wouldn't tell me where he put it and just shouted at me," she said.

"okay is he at work today," I asked.

"yeh, but he is helping out firehouse 51," she said.

"okay well I will go and talk to him after I drop you off," I said furiously at his actions.

"no don't he will just shout at me more than he normally does," she said.

"how much does he shout at you and is it just you," I asked.

"yeah he shouted at me the other day because I got a 95 on a quiz and not a 100 and he doesn't shout at the others that much he just targets me," she said.

"okay well if he does shout at you call me and I will be taking you straight out of that house and what does your mother do about this," I ask.

"he tells him to stop but then they start to argue she tries but it does help," she said just it pull into school.

"at least she tries to come on let's get you sorted," I said geting out of the car at going to receptiom.

"you gonna be fine from here," I ask and she nodded "okay well behave" 

i walked off and got into my car and i drove to 51 which was ten minutes away.

I got out of the car and saw hermann outside "hey cassie what can I do for you"

"hey is my brother here," I said.

"yeah he is in the kitchen with Casey last why is everything okay" he asked.

"no-no it isn't," I said. i walked into the kitchen and saw that in fact, he was talking to Casey then he noticed me "what are you doing here"

"I came to talk to you about Emma actually," I said.

"what about her she's fine at school," he said.

"she wasn't until I had to drop her off," I said.

"what you on about," he said walking in the corridor.

"she called me saying she missed the bus I picked her up and she said that you of all people move all of her stuff that he need for school and then proceeded to shout at her for when she asked you where the stuff where you didn't just make you daughter 30 minutes late for school which is very important to her at the moment but you almost gave her an F in her lesson because you are too much of an ass and you shouted at her," I said.

"It is none of your concern," he said his voice drpping with venom.

"oh, believe me, I dont want to be in your buisnedd but when it comes to how you treat not just your kids but also your wife it 100% does concern me and if I get one phone call about you shouting at any of them you are going to regret it," I said

"get lost," he said walking away then i got a phone call

"hey," I said.

"can you get us some lunch please" Jay asked?

"you got it text me your orders," I said walking out of the firehouse and into my car.

i got the text and i drove to McDonald's to order the food they want and i drove to PD.

"hey, trudy," I said.

"Hey kid you need help with that," she asks.

"yeh please," I said and she grabbed half of the fod and we walked up to intelligence to see everyone then some others I had never seen before.

"I have come bearing food," I said awkwadly

and adam grabbed the food from me so I could talk to Jay.

"you good," he asks.

"yeh why," I asked.

"because you look like shit" he says.

"oh yeh emma called me and her asshole of a father hid her project for her class so she missed the bus and I had to go pick her up then i went to talk to him about how he did nothing to help and how much of a dick he is to her i swear i am going to kill him," I said.

"okay hot head chill," he said.

"oh also Emma might be staying tonight if he shouts at her again," I said.

"thanks for the food cass" Erin said.

"no problem guys," I said before turning back to jay who was eating his burger.

"hows this going"i ask.

"We got a suspect but who knows," he said.

"yeah, I heard thereof to female nurses that must suck," I said.

"oh that reminds me always have your phone on dont want him getting you" he said.

"Jay I can handle myself and I arent a nurse I am a doctor," I said.

"and i dont care I can lose you," he said.

"if it will make you feel better ialways have my pocket knife on me," I said whipping it out of my shoe.

"Cass why have you got a knife," Adam asks.

"to make jay feel better about this whole serial killer after nurse thing," I said.

"why you a nurse" this woman said.

"close i am a doctor why." i asked.

"oh, no reason," she said.

"cool well i gotta go my bed is calling me and so is my ps4" i said.

"see you tonight be safe" i said to jay.

and i walked out saying my goodbyes to everyone and drove home, I got back into my pyjamas and went straight to sleep 

*couple of hour later*

 iwas woken up to someone tapping me.

I opened my eyes to see Jay "whats up bubs"

"i am going to new york he took nadia" he said

"oh no you need anything," I asked

"no go back to sleep" he said.

"okay be safe love you," I said.

"love you more," he said walking out and fell back to sleep.

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