chapter 53

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it had been a tough five years for Jay especially since that day. a lot had happened He got shot the infection lots of shit I was tiring but he still did it all.

the twins were five turning six in a couple of months and they were amazing everything that Jay had wished for they were well behaving kind and they looked exactly like their mother well not exactly but they had some features that made Jay smile every time he saw them. 

with Aurora, it was that she had her nose and her brave and selfless personality she also shared the same birthmark as cassie hit was on her left butt cheek.

with Elijah, he looked so much like Cassie same facial structure smile except the smirk he also had a sparkly personality in him that was from cass his sass and how protective he was with family and what he loves most.

Jay had just picked the twin off from school and was making their way home when Eli asked. "daddy can we go see mummy" 

"of course, we can buddy but we gotta get home first drop the shopping of your school stuff and then we car drive to see mummy," Jay said.

at the did just that they dropped everything off them got back into the car and drove to see cassie. since that day it's been hard to readjust but we all made it through even though the memories still stung cassie was happy.

jay parked up the car and helped the twins out of the truck since they were so small and the truck was so big Jay didn't want the kids to get hurt getting out.

all there of the walked towards the park bench and the twin ran. 

"MUMMY" they screamed.

"hi babies," cassie said catching the twins in her arms.

Jay followed not far behind as the kids went o play in the park.

"Hey, hot stuff," cassie said.

"Hey gorgeous how are you," he said.

"great," cassie said placing a hand on her 9-month belly yes she was pregnant with their fourth baby that was ready to arrive in December this month.

"I'm glad this monkey is okay," he said since they decided they wanted to keep the gender a secret.

"how's Noah," he asked wanting to know about his third child.

"he was good at daycare only a half-day today but he has been mommy's little helper," she said.

yes, Noah James Halstead was born April 1st after cassie got stabbed they were surprised he survived with the bloodloss but he held strong just as the three-year-old is today he is a trouble maker out of the Halstead kids completely takes off off Jay carbon copy I'm telling you but there was one little thing that Noah got of that the twins didn't of there mother the eyes.

 the twins have greenish-blue coloured eyes absolutely gorgeous but Noah got piercing blue eyes they were amazing also Noah has curly hair, not that curly but a nice curly.

they spent a couple of hours at the park to make the kids tied which worked and they made their way home to go eat some dinner and go to bed.

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