chapter 38

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it had been a couple of months since new years and everything was hectic both I and Jay had been working our asses off and only seeing each other when we come home to sleep or eat neither of us had time to go on a date or even go to Mollys which was tiring.

but thankfully we both had our day together and we were celebrating the 8 months I have been back home alive and safe.

we woke up to Bucky running into our room and jumping on our bed.

"ok ok bud we will go for a walk calm it," Jay said getting out of bed and getting bucky of the bed, he looked towards me and kissed my cheek and then my lips.

"you anna com on a walk with us," Jay asked and Bucky tapped at the word walked.

"let's get ready," I said standing up and having a sharp pain run through my stomach which made me wince and caught both the boys attention.

"you good," he asked me.

"yeah my period must be soon," I said knowing I was waiting for this month to happen.

"well just let me know when you don't want a period for a couple of months just say the word," he said.

"you will not be getting be pregnant for a while but you still practise ok," I said as I got some comfy clothes on and pushed my hair.

"why would I need to practise I am amazing," he asked.

"I need you on your A-game when it happens everyone has performance issues Jay" I laughed.

"I don't," he said very fast.

"I will hold that against you," I said as we got our shoes on and buckys harness on and got out of the door.

we walked through Chicago until we got to Millenial park and walked around there letting Bucky sniff around and then we made a long walk to lincoln park, thankfully it was warming up despise it was March and we were able to have these nice long walks with Bucky.

after a couple of long hours, we walked back home to go shower and eat. after we got sorted the time was almost 12. I was sitting in the living room on my phone when Jay jumped over the couch.

"what are we going to do on our day off," I asked him looking at him.

"Well lucky for you I am going to take you out," he said.

"oh are you and where are you going to take me may I ask," I said.

"We are going to a fancy restaurant so you have to find something nice to wear maybe that nice tight black dress," he said,

"oh you think I might," I said and he smiled.

"oh also bucky will be staying the night with Will," he said turning on the tv.

"why," I asked.

"because I want some alone time with my girl and we can't do that with a needy puppy sorry bud," he said tapping buckys head that was on my lap.

we spend the next couple of hours we were sat watching movies before I decided it was best for me to get ready. I got showered, shaved and got dressed into that tight dress Jay was on about and I walked out of the spare bedroom and into the kitchen to see Jay in a full suit looking hot as ever.

I whistled at him which caused him to turn around "Jayden Alexander don't you look hot as ever" I said running my hands up his chest.

"I could say the same for you I mean damn you get hotter and hotter every day baby," he said kissing my neck.

"well thank you but if we don't get out of here now and drop Bucky of now we will miss out on reservations," I said.

"will already picked him up when you were showering he was going to take Bucky, kohl and Owen to the park," he said kissing my neck.

"that nice but we still need to go no matter if we need to drop him off or not now get your wallet phone and keys or I will leave you behind," I said walking away to grab my purse and Jacket.

we got into the car and drop about 25 minutes to the food place and we walked in and it was fancy.

"you think we can afford this," I asked looking at the menu that was where the reservation counter was and seeing the price.

"please the owner of this place owes me a favour and I thought why not now," he said shrugging his shoulders.

"good I thought you were going crazy," I said.

"Hey what's your reservation name," the waiter said.

"Halstead," Jay said.

"ok table for two okay so if you follow me I can show you your seats," the nice waiter lady said and walked us to our table.

"here are your menus and give me a shout if you need me," she said walking off and looking a bit closer to Jay we both said thank you and she walked off but not before giving Jay heart eyes one last time.

"she seems nice," Jay said and I only hummed.

"what," he asked.

"well I mean I'm guessing you didn't see her giving heart eyes," I said.

"what do you mean heart eye," he asked.

"that eyes that I give you and when they are stripping you with their eyes sort of eyes," I said.

"you look at me like I am naked," he said.

"And you don't look at me that way," I asked which caught him off the guard.

"so are you Jealous," he said.

"oh please I just wanted her to know that you are mine not here's so she can sniff some other place," I said looking at the menu.

"I love you" he smiled.

"you better" I murmured.

"what was that," he said 

"Nothing I said I love you too," I said and he rolled his eye.

we got our food which Jay ordered the steak like normal and I ordered the lasagne. after we had finished the food we paid and made our way home.

"that was amazing Jay thank you," I said as we walked into the apartment.

"We are not finished yet I still have to rip that dress off of you," he said pulling me into a heated and passionate kiss.

"then get on with it" I sassed and he picked me up to my legs subconsciously wrapping around his waist and he carried me into the bedroom shutting the door.

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