chapter 2

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𝑂𝑛𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟

finally, I am all set to go home.

I had just finished my final meal and I am heading to my door at the base to pack up my bags and get on to the aircraft.

I was packing the last of my closes when I heard a knock I go to open it and my captain is there.

A/n(captan Andrews-Ca Cassie-C)

Ca: "smith you almost ready the plane is about to take off"

C: "yeh let me just get my bags and beret and ill to be ready"

Ca: "you do know you don't have to wear your beret"

C: "bad habits I guess"

Ca:"well lets go"

I and my captain left the dorm and the building for the last andy captain has always from the start he has been there for me because though it all I was the only female in the unit and when I was the leader some of the older soldiers didn't like it but they quickly learned.

as we walked to the aircraft I felt a tear come down my cheek, I was scared I have never had a life outside of the forces I went straight there out of school.

Ca: "hey it'll be fine you'll be fine Halstead is there and so is Gerwhitz and I am sure at your new job you'll have support and I am only a call away it will get easier"

C: "thanks to it just I have never had a proper life and what if I fall into a hole like a jay and I lose my job am I rushing things"

Ca: "hey your not gonna fall in a hole jay will help you you have been through the same things just time difference it'll be ok"

C:" yeh thanks.. well this is me"

Ca: "Cassie it has been a pleasure serving with you you have taught me a lot about women and what it's like thank you. I hope you the best future and say hi to Jay and mouse for me"

C: "you to captain I would have survived this long without you'll let the boys go"

I gave him one last salute before jimping on the aircraft getting ready for a 12-hour flight. Great what could go wrong.

Jays POV:

Intelligence is next deep in paperwork and this week I was supposed to get a call from Cassie but she hasn't called and I'm starting to get a bit worried because she never misses calls.

I decide to call mouse to see it be has heard out

A/n(Mouse-m Jay-j)

M: "hello"
J: "hey man it's me"
M: "well well well if it isn't Mr policeman how have you been"
J: "haha funny I'm okay how are you"
M: "say old same old so ways up"
J: "have you heard from cassie"
M:" no why"
J: "she was supposed to call this week and she hasn't I'm worried"
M: "shell be fine probably have Andrews up her ass about something"
J: "I know but she never misses a call never"
M: "hey this is what cassie was talking g about she will be fine stop stressing"
J: "yeh ok if you hear out give me a call"
M: "heh sure"
Moise hung up

Erin: "hey who this cassie chick you seem really worried"
Adam: "yeh you dating her"
Jay: "no I'm, not cassie is my best friend we have to know each other forever and we served together with mouse that guy that helped up with charlie and she is still surviving after almost eight years and she never misses a call unless she has an excuse she lets me know but I haven't heard anything and in worried"
Kevin: "oh wow sorry man shell be fine you seem really close"
Jay: "We have known each other since we were in diapers our dads were best mates and we went through everything together I just don't wanna lose her ya know"
Antonio: "shell be fine don't lose hope ever"
Jay: "yeh"
Voight: "alright guys go home rest finish paperwork tomorrow"

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