chapter 47

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it had been about a month since our date and the twins were now 6 months old and they were amazing they were sleeping through the night just this week, they were starting to get the hang of crawling well sort of they could move like two feet and stop but they were still doing it. we were trying to get them to either say dada or mama put they just looked at us like we were crazy people so we were going to wait.

it was just a normal day the kids were at daycare whilst both me and Jay were at work I was currently on my break when I had Natalie come up to me.

"Hey, what's up," I said finishing the last of my lunch.

"I got the labs back for the five-year-old Jack I believe," she said passing me the tablet.

"Okay thank you so much but I gotta go," I said as I was looking at the labs.

I walked into the patient's room to see a blonde little boy that had broken his leg with his parents.

"hi so I got your labs back Jack we look at the bones in your leg and it shows that it was a nice clean break throughout your leg so were going to put on a cool cast of your colour and we will get you home that sounds cool," I told the little boy and gave him a high five.

I talked outside with the parent.

"Can you explain again why you did such a detailed scan of his leg?" the mother asked.

"of course so with how JJack landed on his leg we needed to make sure that as it broke there was no other damage to a bone-like it had been shattered and I wanted to do them scans because sometimes it is really hard to see if it was shattered or not and thankfully it was just a nice clean break that will take about 6 to 12 weeks to heal depending," I said and they went back inside as I got paged to the ED.

I walked in and over to maggie "hey what's up why your page" I asked her.

"Jay just came in with his dad he isn't looking good. apartment fire" she said.

"is Jay injured or his dad," I asked.

"his dad," she said pointing to a trauma room where they were.

I walked over and was cut off by Jay storming out calling his dad a thankless old prick.

"Jay" I shouted after him but didn't get a reply so I left him.

I walked into the treatment room to see pat and Will.

"what happened," I asked them but didn't get a reply.

"all you Halsteads are the same I want one of you to tell me what just happened," I said pointing towards the way Jay left.

 Will told me and I took a deep breath.

"I'm gonna go find Jay and then your gonna apologies because I'm not having all three of you act like a bunch of toddlers," I said walking out to find Jay.

I saw him sitting on a bench and I sat next to him.

"I thought he was dead," Jay said.

"I know baby," I said kissing his head.

"Why does he always treat me like shit he does with Will but not as bad I don't get what I have done," he said.

"I don't know either it could be tough love but that int right but you know I always use to think that it was because you look so much like your mum but I know that isn't right," I said and my pager went off telling me pat was coding.

"We gotta go," I said running into the ED.

we stopped in front of the opened hospital room door to see Will doing compressions on his father looking traumatised. I looked at Jay to see that he looked like someone had ripped his heart out.

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