chapter 52

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Jays POV.

I was waiting outside of the gym for Jake so we were able to arrest him but he didn't know that I walked back in seeing that he wasn't there I called Hailey to ask if there had eyes and she said no.

i called Cassie but it went straight to answer machine "FUCK" i screamed.

and rang Hailey again. "he has cassie get a bolo out everything i want every unit every patrol looking for him and cassie" i said running towards Hailey's car and jumping into the passenger seat as she sped of call commands down the radio.

we got back to the district and saw that everyone was running about like headless chickens. i walked up to Platt.

"anything" i asked.

"yes her car was sighted by one of your classmates as it was driving away from the school male driving so were looking at cameras pods everything but no updates" she said and i nodded running up to the bullpen.

"so that witness was three blocks away from the school and heading south" Adam said.

"have you cross-reference that with all his properties old properties old jobs" Jay said.

"not yet but we know for a fact that he has a couple of properties in that area" Kim said who just got of the phone.

"patrol are making there way to all his properties incase he decides to make a turn int the other direction" Kim said.

"good good" Jasy said as his phone rang.

"hello" he said.

"Hey Jay cass isn't answering my calls" Bobby said.

"urm there's a situation at the moment are you able to stay with the kids tonight" i said.

"is it about that jake guy, Jay is she ok" bobby asked desperate for answers.

"umm yeah it's about that Jake guy he has her shes missing" i said filled with guilt.

"omg omg omg okay wait hold up i thought that he wasn't into her type" he said.

"he isn't he is into blonde and blue eyes but she is brunette but he could have changed his M.O who knows" Jay said.

"you find her Jay ok ill look after the twins okay and don't do anything rash she needs you and so do your kids" he said.

"yeh thanks ill update you if anything flags" Jay said hanging up.

"so we went through the footage with the car and we followed it to an abandoned building along the river I have patrol sitting on the car" Kevin said.

"suit up," Voight said "Jay your with my Kim with Hailey" he added but nobody protested not even Jay.

they drove to the building with lights and park out side. Voight called for additional units and they searched out the building.

it was a fairly small building compared to all the other once along the river but was still fairly big about 20 rooms. 

"anything " Voight asked through the two way.

"nope" "not yet" "nothing" everyone added.

they went through the entire building was Kim radioed for forensics and everyone to come to her. everyone made it to the room Kim was in which was the far south side of the building.

"what you find" i asked.

"its the dress cass was wearing and it has blood on it" she said.

"fucking hell" i said turning away.

"hey she is smart might be his blood not cassies" Hailey said to me and i nodded.

i looked back to the corner where the dress it and i saw some markings in the wall.

"hold on" i  said and getting out my flashlight and pointing to the walls.

"it that some message" Adam asked.

"its morse code" i said.

"you know what it says" Kim asks.

"yeh give me some paper" i asked and was handed some and a pen.

I worked it out and it wrote. 'i will be at his spot'

"his spot" I said thinking on what it could be.

"oh my god"i said quietly.

"what" Voight.

"so when we were in high school cassies friend Freya used to date Jake and they had a spot that was his before and thats there they did everything together and that is also where she died it was on a hill he said she slipped but cass alsway thought it was him who killed her " i said.

"wheres this hill" Kim asked.

"i don't know i forgot but the girl who died was Freya Jackson," I said and Kevin typed it in his phone.

"got it I'm sending the address to you all know" he said and e all rang to our cars and toward the hill.

I jumped out of the spot and ran towards where Freya died and looked around and saw more blood and  looked towards the bushes when i saw her.

"cass" i shouted.

I heard Voight radio for a ambulance and i grabbed cassie from the bush and saw she wasn't moving i checked for a pulse and found a strong one.

i checked for injuries and saw that she had been stabbed through her back i applied pressure which caused cassie to wake up.

"hey baby its me I'm here" i said and she hummed.

"hi baby" she said to me.

"hi your gonna be okay your gonna be okay" i said and rested my on her pulse and noticed it was getting weaker.

"where the heel is this ambulance" i shouted.

"jay jay you gotta listen to me" she said weakly.

"yeh" i said.

"i love ou okay you look after the twins" she said.

"no no you'll be fine" i said.

"I've lost to much blood baby I'm not gonna make it "  she said.

"no no no no"i said tears running down my face.

"yes listen to me I'm a doctor ok i love you ok and you get this asshole" she said her eyes slowly closing.

"i love you more" i said as she smiled very weak and her eyes closed and her body went limp.

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