chapter 40

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it was the next day and I was getting ready and packing my bag up since I was being discharged today I slowly made my way around the room since Jay was passed out on the bed. he had a bad night dealing with the fact that he know had twins you get it.

as I got the bag filled I heard a small knock on the door so I walked over opened it to see the unit and instantly put my finger on my lips and let them in and they understood as they saw Jay on the bed asleep.

they all sat down and Hailey asked "how you doing all of you"

"I'm good the twins I mean there as good as they can be but they should be out in about a month if things go smooth," I asked trailing of as Jay stored.

"how's he doing Cass," Al asked.

"for the last couple of weeks sleeping hasn't been his best friend and the twin surprise welcome completely threw him off his horse didn't sleep a wink last night got him asleep at like 7," I said pulling the blanket up Jay sleeping body.

"question how in the world did you not know you were pregnant," Adam asked.

"I had a conversation with the doctor and they said it is rare to be pregnant and still have a period and not show like at all but it is still possible," I said.

"oh wow," Kevin said.

"oh yeah," I said and looked over to jay who was now awake.

"Morning," I said to him.

"What time is it," he asked still laying down and wrapping his arm around my waist.

"1 in the afternoon and we have friends," I said and he looked up to see the unit and dropped his head back onto the bed.

"Morning sunshine" Kevin laughed.

"when you getting discharged," he asked me and sat up.

"at about 2 then we can see the twins and go and get the nursery painted," I said.

"you got names for the twins yet," Hailey asked.

"no I knew it was always hard to name your kids but when they came as a surprise and there's two of them," I said shaking mine.

"if you need help you let me know," she said.

Please," I said and they nodded.

"we will come over with suggestions," Hailey said ad we both nodded, jay then stood up got clean clothes and made his way into the bathroom the get changed.

Voight then went out as his phone rang and came back a minute later to see that they had a case and they left.

Jay came out all cleaned and dressed and I got discharged. we made it up to see the twins and they looked better than yesterday little man had fewer wires on him but little girl still had the same amount of wires since she wasn't doing as well as her big brother.

we sat with them for about an hour until we made our way home and walked into the spare room to see it all cleared but with some boxes that my dad and will pick up for the twins like the cot dresser all that stuff and then some paint so we can paint the nursery.

"so you wanna start painting now or go to the store and get some stuff," I asked Jay and he gave me a look.

"babe you realise that you have had a C-section just over 24 hours ago right don't you wanna rest I'm sure your hurting," he said.

"no no I'm fine I just need to keep busy," I said.

"whys that," he asked as we walked into the living room, I sat down on the couch and he followed.

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