part 21

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it has been a week since the sky diving day and it was officially the 4th of July or as a veteran would like to say one of the worst days of the year.

I wasn't nervous because I knew I could probably handle the firework but I was more worried about the boys because I mean it's terrifying having to listen to something fun and enjoyable and to have thought and flashbacks to some of the most dangerous places on earth at that time and it is hard not to have them flashbacks and them moments when you wish you could just shut off that side of your brain and enjoy that moment.

I was drinking coffee in the kitchen whilst Jay was still sleeping and I heard a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and opened the door and saw a delivery guy with a box.

"delivery for Cassandra smith," he said.

"yeh that it me thank you," I said. he gave me the box and I shut the door. I walked over to the kitchen and opened the small box and saw that there it was some noise-cancelling headphones for the fireworks.

I heard Jay's door open and he walked out in just his boxers, his hair was messy and he was rubbing his eye.

"morning Jay," I said.

"morning," he said sitting next to me in the kitchen.

"you at work today," I asked him.

"yeh are you," he asked.

"umm I need to go down to med for some meetings about things but other than that I am free," I said "what you doing about today"

"umm I am just going stick my head into work and hope nothing happens," he said.

"if you need anything call me," I said. and he nodded and my phone went off and I answered it not moving.

"Hello," I said.

"he is being released," bobby said.

"wait what do you mean," I said.

"dads getting released from Jail," he said.

"when," I asked.

"in two days," he said.

"oh okay, thanks for letting me know," I said.

"yeah," he said and hung up.

"what's up," Jay said as I stared at my phone in disbelief.

"my dad is getting released in two days," I said.

"Oh damn," he said.

"yeah well I need to get ready for work" I got up from the stool and walked into my room to get changed.

I had walked out of my room grabbed my bag and said goodbye to Jay and walked out and drove to the hospital. when I got there it was empty like everyone had evacuated.

I saw the will and I walked towards him "what the hell is going on here"

"I don't know been like this all morning I mean I am complaining," he said.

I walked into the breakroom and put my stuff into the locker when I got a text from my brother saying ' we need to sort out what happens when dad gets out. I sighed loudly and left him on reading.

I walked out of the breakroom and Will asked  "you okay cass" will be asked who was stood next to Ethan and maggie.

"no, I'm not," I said.

"is it because it's the 4th," he asked.

"well, most of it but my dad is getting out of Jail," I said looking at will.

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