chapter 3

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Platt,.voight, Erin and I all walked up the intelligence stairs to go see jay.

once we walked up there there were 5 pairs of eyes on me.

"guess. this I staff Sargent smith also jays friend do you know were he is" Erin said.

I received a bunch of 'hellos' froM everyone.

"Jays had gone to the toilet he'll be back soon," a Latina man said.

as soon as he said that jay came through into the bull pin looking at his phone and everyone stared at him

"What. I haven't done anything" jay said

"we never said you did," Voight said

he looked over to Voight.

he froze noticing I was stood next to him.

"hey blues," I said.

he just stood there with tears coming down his eyes.

"you just gonna stand there and cry or are you gonna come give me a hug," I said chuckling.

He practically ran into my arms crying.

"I thought you were dead," he said between sobs.

"I know I'm sorry blue I wanted to surprise you I should have called before I left I'm sorry" I whispered into his ear.

"I know I'm glad your home" he replied.

"yeh, me to I have missed you," I said coming out of the hug.

jay rubbed his eyes and out of nowhere, I slapped the back of his head.

"Ow, what was that for" he cried.

"well one for being a pain in the ass to your sargents and co-workers and also I didn't know my best friend was a toddler crying in a corner really I mean you did it all through pre-k and kindergarten but jay wow and please don't tell me you have done it before because I will hit you again, "I said seriously causing everyone to laugh.

"she just outed you, bro," the African-American said.

"shut up Kevin," jay said.

"See what did I tell ya a toddler do you wanna go for a time-out or are you gonna behave," I said as a joke causing everyone to cry out into laughter and go red.

After everyone had finished laughing.

"alright we have had our laughs you can all introduce yourselves to cassie and jay go home or you could stay here and continue your punishment and butt put that but of yours in the corner facing the wall as a timeout," Platt said laughing.

"Thanks, cassie there not gonna drop that now," jay said in a strop

"jay chill it's a joke and comes on your I need to run a lot of errors and i can't do it on my own," I said

as jay walked off to go get his stuff everyone introduced themselves to me.

once Jay was ready he asked me

"hey were we going"

"Well I have been back an hour-ish and I have a long list"

"so errands" he moaned

"Dam someone did piss in your coffee this morning and yes I need a place to live I have 1 and a half weeks to get it done before I start work so yeh"

"let's go," he said.

we said bye to everyone and we walked to his car once we got in he said.

"were we going first"

"First I need to go to my apartment and get the keys and then go to my storage unit get all my stuff and move it into there and that's only the start"

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