chapter 8

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"what do you want" I said furiously shutting the breakroom door.

"well, I was talking to your brother saying you were home and you didn't want to see me but I wanted to see you so he told me you worked at the hospital so I went there but you weren't there and I remember that he told me Jay was in Chicago and I thought you would come home from war and instead of go to your family you would go to jay why? Why go to jay when you you come home after so many years, we are your family not him" my mother said getting angrier.

"so let me get this straight you came to Jays place of work when he is in the middle of a case to get to me and lecture me the fact that I came home from war and went to jay the person who has been there for me when you couldn't be assed to you who has never been there for me but then whenever you were around you were on drugs or drunk so yeh I would rather be with jay than you so I will tell you this once and once only before I have you extorted out of this station. What. DO. You Want "I said trying to keep my cool and not get everyone's attention which was successfully working.

"look I have been sobering fully for 11 months now and the people who have been helping me said that its times to make a mesne for all the trouble and pain I caused lots of people" she said.

"so, I am guessing you have talked to Dad "I said.

"I was waiting for you to bring him up yes I have talked to him he misses you a lot of look what I did in the past I can't change I have missed a lot well all of your life and if I could go back I would, but I am here now and I really am trying I really am you got to believe me" she begged. Jay had walked in and stood next to me.

"how can I believe you when you you to say the same thing when you and dad got a divorce when you went to court to get custody of me and bobby or when dad went to prison it's like you make these promises like its nothing it hurts knowing that I spent half my life in a court room or in a police station and its mentally draining and going to the army help forget and now I have to come home after so long of forgetting all of these problems for it to be throw in my face once again" I said.

"I you would excuse me I have had a very tiring day so If you would leave without causing any problems that would be great and don't go running to bobby for help because ill end up cutting him of from my life and I don't want that but stay out of my life ok" I said.

"ok bye" she said leaving.

I took a large exhale and leaned into jay.

"I'm off shift we can go home if you want" he mumbled into my head.

"do you not want to spend it with Erin" I said smirking.

"what what do you mean?" he said confused.

"ah come on there is definitely something going on there" I said.

"no there isn't believe m I wish there was" he said.

"aw does jay have a little crush I knew it I am guessing Voight is in the middle of this relationship, but I saw go for it" I said.

"ok ok enough talk lets go home I am starved and I'm presuming you need to take your med that you have gotten so you need some food in you" he said walking out of the break room his arm around my shoulder.

"you want take out or shall I cook" I offered

"you got to cook I love your cooking" he said kissing me for head.

"oh, yeh I know"

We drove home making jokes and laughing like we were in high school again. I cooked my famous pasta bake then we fell asleep watching a marvel movie.


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