chapter 50

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it was the first day out of 5 of my and Jay's honeymoon and we arrived late last night and got to where we were staying early this morning. we decided to go to Bora Bora and it is beautiful. clean seas are always sunny and warm it's like a dream.

we woke up at around 11 and laid in bed until about 12 when we got up and dressed to go eat

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we woke up at around 11 and laid in bed until about 12 when we got up and dressed to go eat.

"Jay comes on we gotta eat," I said to him as he was still in bed.

"one more hour please," he said pulling the quilt up his body as I pulled it off of him.

"We can sleep when we come back I promise but we haven't eaten at all today and I'm eating for two now so get up and then when we get back you can do anything you want," I said which caused him to turn toward me with a smile on his face.

"anything," I said kissing his lips.

"let's go," he said getting out of bed and putting on his boxers a pair of shorts and a tank top then walking towards the door and putting some sandals on and we walked out to go get some food.

"So how far along are you," he asked.

"15 weeks today," I said and we walked hand in hand into the food place.

"hmm when did you find out," he asked as we sat at our table.

"I found out three weeks ago and thought it would be a nice wedding present," I said.

"oh it was definitely a good present," he said.

we both went one by one to the buffet to get our food and then sat and talked about anything and everything.

"so what do you want to do today," I asked eating some fruit.

"We could just have a lazy first day go swimming and if you are up to it we could explore and then plan what to do for the other days," he said.

"I'm surprised just didn't just say sex," I said quietly so nobody would hear.

"oh and that to what kind of honeymoon would it be if there was no sex," he said.

"Hey I mean look what happen with the first date after the twins were born and we had no sex," I said.

"I could you blame us it was our first night without the twins first night without any interruptions and first opportunities to just sleep who wouldn't take that offer," he said.

"yeah true but I think we should have since our sex life is now nonexistent," I said.

"not for the next 5 days it isn't," he said.

we both finished our food n walked back into our hut thing whatever you want to call it and we got into our swimming costumes, walked out our balcony and jumped into the water.

we spent about 15 minutes in the wat when Jay said. "can I ask you a question"

"just did," I said as he swam over to me.

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