chapter 19

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it had been a couple of weeks since Jay had come back from New York and a lot of things had happened. unfortunately, Nadia didn't survive and was murdered by the creepy serial killer Greg Yates and also Erin had been slipping into her old ways due to the mourning of Nadia and she wasn't handling it very well and it hurt seeing her fall and be in so much pain and not being able to just take her pain away and she also quit her job which made Jay more worried about her because I know he likes her and cares for her more than a partner and he wants to help but you can't help and save someone who doesn't want to be saved.

I was currently at work when I got a call from Jay saying he was going on a difficult bust. and I told him to be safe and not do anything stupid.

I was doing my rounds for the hospital in the ICU when maggie came up to me. "hey cassie"

"hey, maggie what's up," I asked.

"can you come down to the ed with me," she asked and we started walking.

"what's up," I asked.

"so jay came into the ED," she said.

"he okay what happened." asked now terrified.

"he is ok what Voight told me is that he was kidnapped and was tortured by the guys that took him he is awake and full responsive a couple broozed and broken rigs a grade 3 concussion he has gashes and burns marks from it also," she said.

"omg," I said.

we walked into his room and he was a mess. doctors were putting drugs and liquids in his system as he just looked up at the ceiling looking empty inside.

"How is he Ethan," I said.

"he is okay but he will need to stay overnight because of the concussion and we need to monitor his heart rate to see if the tazer did any damage," he said as he was finishing up everything.

"we will be to check him again," he said walking out.

I walked over to him and sat on the edge of his bed, he looked at me and gave me a weak smile.

"how you doing," I asked.

"I'm ok," he said lying.

"don't lie to me Jay does it hurt," I said.

"not as much just feel weird and I hate this thing they put on me," he said referring to the hospital gown.

"ok well if you want we can get that off you and you can just be in your boxers," I said.

"please" he begged. nd I slowly took it off of him trying not to irritate his injuries.

"That feels better," I said and he nodded and yawning.

"go to sleep Jay you're safe I'm not leaving," I said pressing his morphine so he can sleep.

and he was trying to fight the drugs.

"Stop fighting it Jay," I said.

"m'kay," he said and falling asleep.

I then heard the door open and Voight walked in. 

"Hey how's he doing," he asked me.

"good he has a trade 3 concussion and he has a heart monitor on his to make sure he does have any problems from the tazers so he will be staying over tonight maybe tomorrow night if he is in the clear," I said watching jays breathing.

"good good," he said.

"what the hell happened to Voight who did this to him," I asked.

"urm they were doing an exchange it didn't go so well. when we were trying to look for him we got send a disk of him getting tortured they asked for an exchange for him for all the CI files then  Erin went in they got him out and here we are" he said.

"it's always him getting hurt god he's gonna give me a heart attack one day" I laughed.

"hey keep me updated If anything changes," he said to me. and left.

I sat there in the chair next to his bed making sure nothing happens to him because I know for a fact that this won't be so easy for him to come out of with his PTSD. I heard the door open once again and Connor and Will walked in.

"Hey, guys," I said.

"I came to check up on Jay he needs to wake up we need to put some creme on them burns," Connor said.

"you want me to do it" I offered and he happily gave me the creme.

"Jay wake up," I said  moving him a bit and he opened his eyes. "what"

"I have to put this on you so the quicker you sit up the quicker I can do this the quicker you can go back to sleep," I said helping him sit up. I sanitised my hands and put some creme on his burns which made him tense and hiss from the pain.

"I know bud but it has to happen," I said continuing to put the creme on them.

"Hey Jay I brought you some food and some clothes for tonight and tomorrow," Will said.

"wait what do you mean tomorrow I am home tonight right," he said.

"Sorry bud you are staying here," Will said.

"Cass please I don't want to be here can you look after me," he said.

"I mean I can try for your sake but I don't want you leaving since how much you went through but I can ask Choi and Rhodes but please don't get your hopes up," I said as I finished putting the creme on Jay back and handed him a drink of water.

"But whilst I am gone I want you to eat," I said and walked out.

I walked out and looked for Connor and saw him with maggie and Natalie at the nurses' desk.

"hey cass how is Jay" maggie asks.

"he is good but wanting to leave which is why I am here Connor is there any way you can get Jay home because I am not prepared to keep him in that bed," I said.

"well I we can look at his EKG and then go from there," he said.

"let's go," I said and we walked back in the room to look over everything to see if he was in the clear and he was.

We got him out of all the wires and got him dressed then Connor came in with the discharge paper and handed them to me and said "so you both know what to do with concussions but I will remind you can't sleep for longer than 1 hour at a time for meds keep hydrated, keep out of light things like phones and if you have any issues even if it the slightest issue come back here you are lucky we can get you out" 

we agreed, signed the papers and we walked out well I did jay had to be put in the wheelchair which he argued but failed we got into the car and drove home we were about 3 minutes until e was there and Jay asked "can we just watch a movie in your bed for the rest of the night "

"yeah sure," I said and that is what we did with no problems whatsoever

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