part 13

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it was the day I went back to work and I was ready and about to leave when Jay came out of his room looking like complete shit.

"you okay bubs," I asked him.

and he nodded rubbing his eyes I walked over to him and put my hand on his forehead and he was warm.

"I think you have a fever," I said.

"no no I don't I am fine just go to work," he said.

"I am going to check if you have a fever first," I said going to the cabinet to grab the thermometer.

I walked back to Jay and put it in his mouth waited a minute and it has shown he didn't have a fever but was close to having one. 

"you don't have one but your temp I quite high so drink lots and lots of fluids okay," I said and he nodded.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the apartment to walk to work.

Onc I got there everyone was running around like headless chickens. then maggie saw me and came over to me in a rush.

"thank god you are back I need help," she said.

"what is going on," I asked putting my coat and bag behind the nurse's station.

"there was a pile-up and we are unable to help them," she said.

"okay get everyone's attention," I said and she shouted at everyone to freeze.

"ALRIGHT everybody listens up our main priority is to help the people from the pile-up if you have any patients that can be transferred to lakeshore put the order through and get them out of the trauma bays got it," I said to everyone and everyone nodded and started to move.

"you are an angel," she said to me and April came up to me.

"Doctor Smith I need a consult about a kid," she said.

"alright give the rundown," I said walking over to the room.

"Emma Smith 16 years old was with her friend and the friend's parents she isn't been affected by any of the medication we give her to put her to sleep," she said.

"wait I know this kid," I said putting my gloves on and walking into the room and seeing Natalie and my Niece Emma on the bed with a bloody face.

"aunt cass" she said.

"Hey kid how are you doing," I said looking at her charts.

"I'm okay," she said.

"good well seems as though we are having trouble putting you to sleep anything like this happen before," I asked her.

"When I had my wisdom teeth out it took them a while to put me to sleep," she said.

"okay you remember the drug name," I asked.

"they used a gas and then in ejected me with some white liquid," she said.

"I know what you mean," I said grabbing the drug and putting it into the IV

"Okay, can you count backwards from 10 kid," I said and she did and it took us another do to put her full out?

"surgery she goes," I said taking my gloves off and turned to April before leaving.

"make sure you notify the parents but make sure you try the mother first for everyone's sake please," I said and she nodded and I walked out.

"good to see you at work cass," Ethan said next to me.

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