chapter 32

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I woke up the next morning to Jay landing in my lap fast asleep. you would never think that Jay Halstead was so cuddly never mind is a little spoon most of the time.

I sat up the tiniest bit and looked around I noticed that both me and Jay were still naked from the night before from the clothes scattered around the room. I laid back down and started to rub my hands in Jay's hair which he liked since he leaned into my hand and stored a little but stayed asleep.

it had been about twenty minutes since I woke up and my phone started to ring I picked it up and answered it.

"Hello," I said.

"hello dr smith it is miss goodwin I am here about you returning to work," she said.

"oh hey yeah umm when do you want me to start a shift," I asked quietly trying not to wake a still sleeping jay.

"well I know you are seeing Dr Charles as of last week and he said that it might be ok for you to return if you are up for it," she said.

"yeah I am ready to return to work," I said confidently.

"well I want you to have one more session then you can return to work next Monday," she said. we said goodbye to each other and hung up.

I set my phone down on the said and breathe which made Jay stir awake. I cursed to myself. he yawned and moved to face me and he opened his eyes rubbing them.

"Morning babe," I said combing my hand through his hair.

"What time is it," he asked.

"it is half nine and no your phone hasn't gone off for a case so don't stress," I said and I say him let out a breath.

"what are you doing today," he said yawning.

"well since it is a Saturday I have to have another session with dr Charles and then I am back at work on Monday I said.

"wait really," he said.

"yep I was on a phone call with miss goodwin when you were sleeping saying I can come back Monday," I said.

"surprised I didn't wake up," he said/

"well, you were dreaming" I smiled rubbing the sleep out of his eye,

"well I mean fair enough what time are you going to go see doctor Charles," he asked.

"umm my appointment is at one," I said. "you want breakfast"

"yes please," he smiled jumping out of bed and putting on his boxers.

"you are very hungry I am guessing," I said grabbing his shirt and putting it on. he nodded and walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen and I followed him.

I started making some waffles when Jay said "hey you know the fact that we are sleeping in one bed why don't we make one of our bedrooms a guest bedroom so then we have more space what do you think"

"you know that is a good idea," I said putting the waffles on the plates.

"you see I have amazing ideas," he said and I gave him a look.

"what I have amazing ideas," he said again.

"Okay then name one good idea that you have had," I said.

"We two to start dating," he said with a massive smile on his face.

"well you got me there," I said walking to the fridge to get some orange juice and I heard Jay come behind me and kiss my neck.

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