chapter 43

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it had been a couple of months since the twins came home and there now 4 months old and it was hard obviously but honestly there such good babies they only really cry when they are hungry and they whine when they are tired or wet so looking good.

I was still of work with the twins and Jay had gone back to work when the twin turned 3 months, he didn't like it very much he didn't want to miss any milestone with them but he goes.

it was a Monday and I had just gotten back from a walk with the twins and they were now having a nap in their swing whilst I did my emails.

my phone rang and I looked at the ID to see that it was Jay.

"Hey babe what's up," I asked answering the phone.

"yeh I'm fine but I don't know if I will be home on time today my dad hasn't been at work and he is now in the hospital something to do with his heart I don't know," he said I ground since Jay was going to take off early from work but looks like that isn't happening anymore.

"you need me to come down I can get Emma to watch the twins," I asked.

"no-no, it's fine I'm sure it is nothing you stay with the twins I will let you know what's happening to see you later love," he said to me.

"alright you need anything I'm a call away ok I love you," I said.

"love you more" he replied and hung up. I put the phone down and sighed I knew that Jay and Pat never had a good relationship neve had but Jay still loved his dad with everything and I know that if he dies both the brothers will be orphans and will most likely take it out on each other like when their mother died.

I put the thought to the back of my head and sent Emma a text warning her that I might need her to watch the kids and she replied that it was okay and that she was free to come round now and I replied with a yes.

I went to go make a cup of tea when I heard a cry, I walked into the living room the see Eli was the one that was crying. I picked him up and his crying continued.

I looked around his swing to see his bottle was on the floor and it was half full so I picked it up and put the bottle in his mouth and he took it in an instant.

"you dropped your bottle bud," I said and he continued to devour the milk.

"you are like your daddy," I said and brought my tea and put it on the table where I was working and place and now sleeping in his swing so I could get back to work.

Emma had arrived and was changing Rory for me when I got a text from jay saying that his dad had been rushed into surgery.

"Hey, Emma" I shouted and she walked in.

"Yeah, what's up," she asked holding Aurora.

"I gotta go to the hospital Jays dad went downhill will you be good with the twins," I asked and she nodded.

"Also if you need to use my laptop to look for collages there might be one that has a good child care course," I said putting my shoes on and she nodded saying bye as I walked out of the apartment and into the car.

once I parked the car I walked into the ED.

"hey cass what are you doing here," Maggie asked.

"you know where Jay and Will are their dad was brought in not too long ago," I asked.

"oh yes there in the surgery waiting room upstairs man is Mr Halstead stubborn I see where they to get it from," she said.

"oh yes it is a pass in the ass and the worst quality that all three of them have I still wonder to this day how their mother put up with all three of them but she was a strong one," I said.

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