part 12

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it was the next morning and I woke IP not just to a banging headache but some asshole banging onto the front door like it was a drum. I grabbed the baseball bat that was under my need and I walked out of my room to see a mouse passed out on the bed. 

I opened the door pointing to the bat the people/person behind and I saw Jays unit in their vests leaning against the walls in the corridor. I put the bat down and opened the door more to let them in not saying anything.

"What is the cause of this," I said to them walking into the kitchen and grabbing my medication, pain drugs a banana and some water and sat in the living room.

"well both Jay and Mouse are late for work none of you is answering your phone so we had to take some kind of action," Voight said.

"We were out drinking with our old Rangers unit seems as though the once still touring had a week leave we thought to get plastered got home around half 3 this morning I don't know and here we are," I said taking my meds.

"is he ok," Ruzek said pointing to Mouse who was asleep in his underwear.

"you wouldn't think that they were veterans with PTSD would you they sleep through anything well only when they partied too hard," I said and I kicked the mouse and he sat up alert.

"what the matter," he said seeing me.

and I pointed to the unit and he turned and fell back down.

"morning sunshine you're late for work," I said giving him some pain meds for his hangover.

"where is Jay" Kevin asked.

"he will be in his room if you want to wake him but I do warn you he is an asshole when woken up after partying and also he may be naked," I said.

"I will let you wake him up then," Kev said.

"wisely chose. I will grab him" I said walking to his room.

I walked in to see him on top of his sheets in his boxers facing towards the ceiling in a starfish position.  I opened his blinds and I heard his groan.

"morning babycakes" I laughed.

"go away let me sleep," he said putting his head under the pillow.

"no can do Mr Hastead your unit is here not happy that you are late," I said causing him to sit up and look at me shocked.

"oh shit," he said 

"oh, shit indeed," I said walking out of the room.

"he awake," Antonio asked.

"just about," I said sitting on the couch.

"arent you suppose to be at work," Voight asked.

"nope I have one more day of work," I said. just as jay walked out fully clothed

"well well look who decided to show up you look like shit" Adam laughed.

"shut up adam or I will stick that baseball bat up your ass," he said in a mood.

"called you he is an ass when hungover," I said.

"anyway, boys get ready and in the cars and goodbye cassie," Voight said walking out.

"who pissed in his coffee," I asked.

they all walked out saying their goodbyes to me and I went back to sleep.

*2 hours later* 

I woke up again got showered and cleaned the house, I did all the washing polished everything and put the cleaned clothes away.

I went shopping seems as though there was nothing in the fridge and we need to eat, I took about 30 minutes in the shop until I went back home but not before I through Starbucks and Mcdonalds.

when I got home I saw will in his red scrubs standing outside my apartment.

"what you need Will," I asked the ginger and opened my door and walking in and him after me.

"hello you to you too cass" he said.

"sorry what's up," I said

"Goodwin told me to come and give you this," he said handing me this letter "and also some army man has been asking for you the last couple of days"

"of that cant be good they say who they were," I asked.

"can't remember but it was the colour something I don't know," he said.

"a colour Sargent what would they want," I said to myself.

"I don't have a clue but I told them that you will be in tomorrow if they wanted to see you" he shrugged.

"okay well thanks Will see you tomorrow," I said and let him walk himself out.

I opened the letter and it was an invitation to that Gala that will be happening in the next two days and that it was a formal event.

I put the letter to the side and decided to start on dinner for when Jay comes back from work.

*5 hours later*

Jay had come home and we had eaten and we were just chilling watching an animal documentary.

"you ready for work tomorrow," he asked me.

"yeah I am I am fed up with not being able to go back," I said.

"hey did you get an invitation for that Gala thing," he asked

"yeah I did sounds alright," I said.

we talked a bit more until we decided to go to sleep.

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