chapter 39

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it had been a week since the date and that pain I felt that morning had become more and more frequent and also more painful. I was at work doing a 13-hour shift and only 5 hours in and it was getting really bad but thankfully nobody noticed.

it was like a tight pain like my stomach was contracting or something it felt like period cramps but a bit more different. I was at the toilet when a big rush of pain collided with my body causing me to yelp out loud just as Maggie walked into the bathroom.

"you good cass," she said.

"It feels like period pain but worse," I said and another pain rushed through my body causing me to.

"Okay let's get you checked," she said helping me up as we walked into the ed and the pain was still there and very noticeable.

"dr Choi can you do an abdominal check on cassie please," she said as we passed him and he nodded and helped me onto a free bed.

"right we are going to do an alter sound but is there a chance you could be pregnant," he asked looking at me worried.

"what no... I don't know, do you think I could be having a miscarriage" I asked.

"I don't know but it could be a possibility cass when did this pain start," he asked as one of the nurses brought in the ultrasound.

"in a couple of days ago but thought it was my period," I said.

Ethan put the gell on my tummy and moved the wand around and he stopped and looked at the screen same with Maggie.

"oh my god," she said.

"what is it," I asked panicking.

"We need to get you into surgery now book a c-section," he said to maggie.

"What am I having a miscarriage," I said in complete panic.

"no no you are not but you are about to have a baby you are 7 months pregnant and your water broke," he said and my Jaw dropped.

he got the bed moving and up to surgery and maggie told me he would get Jay here as quick a possible.

as they got me to surgery prep I was still in complete shock there was no way I could be 7 months pregnant and the baby still be alive I had periods and I had been drinking it would have somewhat hurt the baby.

they got me into the surgery room and there were lots of doctors about and the last person that came in was Jay.

"Jay" I cried.

"hey I know I know we are going to be fine let's just get the baby out ok," he said and stood next to me holding my hand as they started the procedure and 5 minutes later they pulled out a small baby girl.

"you got a girl " the doctor shouted and handed her small body over to a nurse who was trying to get her to cry and she did a minute later.

"ant there is another one" the doctor shouted and pulled out another small baby.

"and it's a baby boy," the doctor said and the little man started to cry.

"that's it, two gorgeous babies," the doctor said as he started to close me up.

"We have a son and a daughter," Jay said as he kissed me tear streaming down his eyes.

I got rid of the tear with my thumb and said "yeh we do"

it was 2 hours later and I was now all sewn up and in a room resting as the doctors still did testing don't the babies.

I looked over to Jay to see I'm on the computer since Hailey had kindly brought some stuff.

"what you doing handsome," I said quietly.

"well I am buying some baby stuff since we didn't know you were pregnant with not just one but two babies and also I had everyone who was of the shift to go to ours and try to get that guest room sorted," he said.

"who would have thought that I have an amazing family and set of friends," I said smiling.

the nurse came in and started to update us on the twins "so the twin is doing good as they can be as premie .they were early so they do have to breathe support and they are on the smaller side but other than that they are fighters and they aren't giving up and with the baby girl not breathing when she came out we are evaluating her a little bit more but other than that they are great" she said.

"When can we see them," I asked.

"well I am thinking in a couple of hours they are just getting them settled in in the NICU and you are also recovering from a stress full surgery so we will wait but we will be getting you to see them today," she said walking out ad Maggie and Sharon walked in.

"there in the new parents," Maggie said with a massive smile on their face.

"Hey, guys," I said.

"How are you doing," Sharon asked.

"I am surprised and still processing I know have two babies in the NICU that I never knew I was pregnant with," I said and I looked at Jay for his answer.

"I don't know but a lot has happened in the last what 10 hours or so," he said.

"we congratulations on the twins I bet when we meet them they are going to be gorgeous like their parents," maggie said and we thanked her. they stayed for a bit longer and then left for us both to sleep for a bit until we meet the twins.

it had been three hours and the nurses were ready for us to meet the twins. they got a wheelchair for me and let Jay wheel me down to the NICU.

we were then greeted by the main doctor looking after the twins and let us into the room.

we were met with wires everywhere around the twins for oxygen and to keep an eye on their heart rate but other than that they were so small and absolutely gorgeous they both had brown hair and freckles covering their bodies.

"They are gorgeous," I said to Jay and he agreed.

"We made them," he said.

"yeh, we did" laughed slightly.

"would you like to hold them," the nurse asked and we both said yes?

Jay went first and took his shirt and the nurse put the twin in his arms one at a time and it was gorgeous and so tiny, I took my phone for my lap and took a couple of photos.

I put my phone down and looked up to see Jay smiling from ear to ear. 

"I love this," he said.

"they look so much like you baby," I said smiling.

"We need to name them," he said to me.

"We can do that tonight and tomorrow we have time there going to be in this hospital for like two months," I said.

"well let's name them fast," he said and I nodded.

it was my turn and the nurse helped put them on me and it was the best thing in the world. I kept looking at them with heart eyes.

we stayed there for a couple of hours until it was time for us to leave. once we made it back to the room Jay looked on a website and we went through names for the babies.

we looked for about an hour for potential baby names but gave up for the night and fell asleep


so that was something. anyway, I need help with the twins' names so please comment like spam me with names because I don't have a clue.


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