chapter 28

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Cassie was still sat with the other soldiers waiting for the aircraft to come and get her to go back home and get medical treatment that she desperately needed.

"how you feeling smith" one of the soldiers that cassie learned was called Max.

"I'm good everything hurts but I am good," cassie said taking a sip of water.

"so we have detected that there is a couple of broken ribs a possible broken wrist and a concussion and some nasty cuts and bruises that will need to be checked out if anything is internally damaged but other than that you look to get," Max said.

 just as he said that a voice came over the radio saying that they were one mile away from where they were located.

"well looks like you will be out of here quicker than expected," one of the other soldiers said.

"thank god for that" cassie said trying to get into a more comfortable position.

After like ten minutes we could both hear and see the helicopter landing.

"you think you can walk, "Max said and I nodded taking his hand to get off the floor he put his arm around my waist and another soldier did the same as they both helped me walk over to the landed helicopter.

as we were walking two doctors came over and helped me into the helicopter and lay down on the stretcher. and we flew off.

"right smith we are going to put you on some pain meds to help you and we are going to put some liquid and vitamins in your system so you are as malnourished," the soldier said and I nodded.

"which hospital," I asked.

"We are going straight to Chicago an ambulance will be there to transport you with police cars and firefighters bocking every road as you ride to Chicago med. Smith, you have been missed by a lot of important people you are making the news" he smiled.

"have you told my family," I said.

"We have decided to tell your family nearer the time we get to Chicago and also because of the massive time difference and because there it is very late so we are going to wait," he said.

"won't they find out through the news though," I asked?

"well, the news can gives out much information because we haven't given your name gender so I don't think they will think it is you," he said.

"dude my best friend is in one of the best units filled with the most elite detectives in Chicago I think that they will find out "

I nodded and started to fall asleep.

*10 hours later in Chicago*

it was a normal day for the unit they were all sat doing paperwork when drill Sargent Keith walk into the present.

"Hey Keith how are you doing any updates on cassie," Trudy asks noticing him.

"yeah actually do you wanna join me upstairs," he said.

"yeah sure," she said asking one of the officers to mind the desk and walked up the stairs with him.

"Jay," he said and Jay looked up from his paperwork.

"hey you got word on cass," he asked.

"yes actually we found her 13 hours ago," he said.

"wait what 13 hours ago," Voight said.

"Is she okay?" Jay said.

"when they found her she was very beat up with a scratch across her face from one of the enemies when they fought she has some broken ribs a broken wrist well that's what I know anyway she is on a helicopter on her way to Chicago she will be landing in about 1 hour we didn't tell you because well because of the time difference also what we need is an escort from the base to med," he said.

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