chapter 35

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It was two days later and only 5 days until Christmas and it was my day off. I woke up to feeling Jay's warm body next to me.

his body heat is always warm and it is an advantage for when it is winter because he is my personal heater, but this morning he was abnormally hot like too hot for Jay. I slowly sat up hoping not to wake Jay up. I put my hand onto his forehead to see that he was most likely running a fever and I also notice he was very stuffy and congested.

I got out of bed and walked to the bedroom and got the thermometer. and rubbed it across his head and it came up that he was running a high fever approximately 102-degree fever.

I sighed knowing that he is going to be grumpy, so I walked back into the back room and got some drugs for him.

"Hey Jay babe you gotta wake up," I said shaking him and he let out a groan.

"I know you are running a fever you need to take these meds and get out of these clothes," I said and he opened his eyes.

"no I am cold," he said putting the blanket over his head.

"ok well at least take these meds," I said and he complied

"right you go back to sleep and I will call you in sick," I said getting up.

"no I am going into work I'm fine" he protested.

"yeh say to your 102 fever, unfortunately, you don't a say in it so, in conclusion, you are staying off work," I said walking out of the room with my phone to call voight saying that he will be down a detective.

I walked back in to see Jay still bundled up in the quilt. "hey jay this isn't good for your fever come on" I said taking the large quilt from around his body and he groaned in protest.

"if you are going to take my warmth away from me at least come cuddle with me," he said gesturing with grabby hands, I got into bed next to him and covered us with a blanket that wasn't too thick and turned to TV on.

"I dint plan on looking after you on my day of Halstead," I said.

"you don't have a chose I'm here to stay," he said.

"you're lucky I love you," I said kissing his warm head.

it had been a couple of hours later and Jay was passed out next to me whilst I watched some Netflix, I took this time to go and run him a lukewarm bath to help with his fever.

when the bath was halfway full my phone started to ring and I saw that it was Hailey.

"Hey, Hailey what can I do for you" I answered.

"hey I was just wondering how Jay was and if you needed me to bring anything for him," she asked and I smiled.

"umm Jay is alright I mean minus the fever and no it is okay I think we will manage but that's for the offer,"  said.

"I'm glad he is doing right and if you need anything do not be afraid to send me a text," she said.

"Thanks, Hailey see you later," I said and she said goodbye back and hung up.

I turned the water off and went to go get Jay up but I walked in to see him wake.

"hey I was just coming in to tell you I ran you a bath," I said.

"Thanks," he said standing up and we walked into the bathroom and he got in and I sat next to the bath running my hand through his hair.

"who as you on the phone with," he asked.

"Hailey see was asking how you are," I said.

"that's nice of her" he whispered.

"it is I'm glad you have got an amazing partner like Hailey," I said.

"why," he asked.

"well I mean she has your back in the field she cares about not just your emotional well being but physical well being that want to help when something is wrong not just in work but outside of work and also doesn't treat you like a nobody when it comes to the end of shift," I said.

"yeah I got lucky," he said.

"she also know how to stop you from doing irrational thing and being stubborn and that is a lot if she got the hang of that in such a short period of time" I laughed.

" think Voight pre-warned her about me when she joined," he said.

"So would I," I said.

after he got all cleaned up he got into some clean joggers and we walked into the kitchen with Jay toddling behind me with the blanket wrapped around him.

"so this is the pan we are going to get some good food and then you are going to take some drugs and then I will take your temperature and then after that, you can sleep for the rest of the day," I said making some grilled cheese sandwiches.

"sound like a plan," he said sitting on the breakfast bar and I handed him the food and I walked into the bedroom to get the drug and the thermometer.

I walked back into the kitchen to see jay had finished the food and was drinking the water. I then gave him the drugs and took his temperature to see that it was now 100 which was an improvement but still a way to go until he is 100%.

"What is the temp," he asked finishing the water.

"100 but I want it to be around 98 but other than that it's really good," I said and we walked into the bedroom and continued watching the show and Jay fell asleep in like ten minutes.

I was sitting on my phone when Jay start to move a lot and his face showed discomfort and in that small time, I knew that he was having a nightmare.

I put my phone down and paused the tv and gently shook Jay.

"hey baby you gotta wake up it's just a nightmare your hoe in Chicago your safe," I said shaking him a bit more and he shot up from his sleep with a big gasp.

 I started there for about 20 seconds watching his move when he looked and his face filled with pain.

"Did I hurt you?" he said and my heart broke.

"no you didn't hit me," I said and pulled him into a hug.

"you wanna talk about it," I asked calmly and he shook his head no.

"that's alright I'm here," I said again.

"they always happen when I'm sick," he said quietly.

"The nightmares," I asked and he nodded.

we lay there for about ten minutes and I looked to see that Jay's eyes were drooping shut.

"go to sleep baby I will be right here," I said quietly and he finally gave in to the exhaustion and fell to sleep.

for the rest of the night, it consisted of Jay sleeping and only being awake when he either needed to drink to stay hydrated, food, meds or he needed to get to the toilet. and the next morning Jay was 100%.

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