chapter 46

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it was the next day and it was both my and Jays first date since the babies were born. since we didn't want Emma to try and handle two babies overnight with barely any experience Hailey decided to step up and look after the twins which were amazing of her.

i had just finished shift and i had picked the babies up from daycare and i was running a bath for the twins so that Hailey didn't have to do it her self. once the babies where bathed and now not in their PJs but comfy clothes and they sat in on the bathroom floor occupied with something i found as i showered and shaved.

i got out but the babies on the bed and started to get ready slowly and also pumping breast milk since we were running low. 

Jay walked into the room and whistled at me as he walked into the room.

"Well don't you look gorgeous as ever" he said kissing my lips.

"Please I'm standing in only underwear and pantyhose as i and pumping milk from my tits trying to do my hair i am definitely not gorgeous" i laughed turning back to my hair.

"well in my eyes you are gorgeous" he said.

"you might want to give the kids some attention they look like there going to burst if you don't" i said pointing to the twins who both were doing grabby hands at Jay.

"oh babies did you miss daddy" he asked laying on the bed hugging and kissing the babies.

"how were they at daycare this morning" he asked since i had to drop them of as the team got a case early this morning.

"they were definitely better than yesterday only ten minutes i was there and bam the kids were distracted Becca said that they were brilliant only issue was is that Rory had a massive blow out in her nappy like really bad pooped through her nappy and her clothes" i said.

"I didn't need the details babe" he said and continued to blow raspberries on Elijahs belly and cheeks.

"you asked I responded," I said 

"when is Hailey coming," I asked.

"she went to go get changed and grab an extra pair of clothes since she already knows that we will probably stay at a hotel" he said.

"well she will probably be hear soon so i need you to get your ass up and go right like a help list for Hailey so she doesn't have a mental breakdown" i said and he nodded and walked out.

"you also need a shower" i shouted curling my hair.

"Hey!" he said from the living room.

after i finished my hair and i started putting some light make up on i noticed Elijah rubbing his ear and his cheeks were flushed a bit.

"i think your starting to teeth my boy" i said picking him up.

"Hey Jay" i shouted.

"yeh what's up," he asked walking back into to the bedroom.

"do me a favour and put the teething rings in the freezer and that thing i showed you with the pacifiers" i said and he looked confused.

"ill look after the twin you do that thing" he said and i walked out still not dressed and pumping milk. i went to the unopened box that was next to the fridge and opened dit to see the teething rings. I washed them clean and then put them in the fridge. i then got one of the pacifiers and filled the nub with water from the edge on the handle thing and then popped it in the freezer also.

i heard a knock at the door and told them to come in knowing it was Hailey but totally forgot that i was half-naked.

she walked in and hadn't looked t me yet putting her bag down saying "you are the last person i would expect to shout come in when someone is knocking at your door" she said looking up.

"especially when you look like that" she said not bothered at all she was an angel is telling you.

"yeh don't tell Jay" i said just as He came in with a crying Elijah on one arm and a confused Aurora on the other.

"tell Jay what" he said and knowing whilst what i meant when he looked at me.

"you really don't know what clothes are do you" he said passing me Elijah.

"i forgot and you can't say shit you were walking around naked the other day and so were the twins whilst i was out" i said grabbing Elis pacifier from the freezer and putting it in his mouth.

"hey i was in my boxers and the twins were in their nappies so I was not naked" he said.

"and neither am i and you need to get your stinky ass in the shower" i said.

Jay sighed giving Aurora to Hailey and going to shower.

"you go put your face and clothes on you to need to be out of here and having fun kid-free," Hailey said shooing me as well as she took a now content Eli from me and i went to get ready.

it only took us 10minutes to be fully ready and now in the living room with Hailey.

"so you have that small piece of paper for help and i think Eli has started to teeth so he has teethers in the freezer and i think that's it really" i said and we bot kissed the twins and walked out and into the truck.

"I'm surprised you didn't freak out" Jay said to me.

"there's nothing to freak out about we both trust Hailey with our lives there is nothing to worry about like at all" i said as he drove down to the restaurant.

we got the the restaurant and to our seats and it was beautiful an amazing view of the city.

"how in the world did you get us a reservation for this place" i said shocked at how well he did.

"i helped the owners son a bit and he owed me a favour and i thought this is the best time to cash it in" Jay said.

"you really are something else Jay Halstead" i said kissing his arm.

"would you believe someone if they told you when we were back in high school that we are in our late 20s with stable Jobs engaged and have two beautiful babies together" he said.

"actually yes i always wanted to be in a relationship with you" i said.

"Why didn't you say anything" he asked.

"because it didn't feel like it was our time yet but i wouldn't change a thing what about you" i said.

"very similar actually except i didn't say anything because I didn't want to ruin what we had i mean i sort of knew you liked me but i didn't trust my self" he said.

the waiter came over and took our food and drinks order and then we talked the entire way from hen the food came during us eating and then as we were finishing our last drink and getting ready to leave.

we left to restaurant and walked around Chicago since we had both been drinking and we couldn't drive anyway.

i looked at the clock to see it was almost 12 and i got a text from Hailey saying that the kids had been amazing and they had fallen asleep at 9 and Elijah was in fact teething but wasn't a problem.

"kids went down good and we have a teether on our hands" i said to Jay.

"oh great " he said sarcastically.

we made it to our hotel that we were staying at for the night at walked into the room we opened a bottle of wine that was there as sat on the bed and drank that as we watched Netflix.

"wait arent we suppose to be having sex or something" Jay asked drunk.

"i think so yeh you anna have sex" i asked.

"do you" he asked.

"omg what is going on we are such parents" i said my head falling onto his lap and feeling something poking at my head.

I looked at Jay eyebrows raised and said "I think you do baby"

i straddled his lap and started to kiss him.

"you want this" he asked and i nodded as he moved me so he was on top.

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