chapter 34

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it was a couple of months later and it was now late December and I had been back around 5 ish months. I was sitting in Mollys talking to Hermann when I felt a hand wrap around my waiter.

"Hey Jay," I said taking a sip from my beer and Hermann excused himself.

"Hey baby" he whispered into my ear.

"you just got off," I asked and he nodded kissing my lips taking me by surprise.

"wow I thought we were keeping it a secret," I said.

"baby we have been together 5 months and everyone now," he said.

"how," I asked because we hadn't made any sort of affection out of the apartment.

"you know will have never been good at keeping secrets," he said.

"William Patrick Halstead god what are we going to do with him" I laughed shaking my head.

"anyway I have a question that you need to say yes to," he asked.

"Okay what is the question and why do I need to say yes to it," I asked confused.

"can the unit minus Voight and Al come round I needed you to say yes because I already said that they could come to ours," he said looking nervous.

"Jay you know they are always welcome at our why would you think that I would say no," I asked.

"I don't know I thought that you might have a surprise for me at home," he said.

"What kind of surprise are you on about it isn't Christmas yet you'll have to wait a week," I said.

"oh you know a surprise as you gave me last Saturday," he said with a grin on his face.

"you thought you were going to get laid," I said in disbelief.

"well you never know" he pointed out.

"you will be lucky if you get laid from bow until Christmas because I might have planned something for when everyone leaves on Christmas," I said kissing him.

"well you can't take it back now," he said.

"arent you suppose to be having a night with the unit get your ass out of here and go get drunk with your friends," I said.

"ok when you gonna be home," he asked kissing me.

"soon don't worry I will text you when I get home," I said and he nodded walking out.

I turned back to my bottle and I felt two people next to me.

"you are not very secretive maggie and you to April," I said and I heard her huff.

"how do you always know," she said.

"you people forget that I am a trained killer I could hear you from a mile away" I laughed.

"you know if you are a trained killer why don't you go all protective, "April asks.

"because I am used to your sent," I said and they gave me a weird look.

"that's what they taught me to get used to the scents from the people you trust and then you will be safe but also know when they are coming close without looking," I said.

"I mean fair enough so how are you and lover boy," Maggie asked.

"I mean we are good we are always good it's like nothing has changed except the kissing and sex," I said shrugging.

"that's because you have been in a relationship for what 20 years with that man," April said."no we have just been so comfortable with each other nothing ever get awkward between us and that is adding onto the shit we have both seen," I said.

"how is the sex," Maggie asked and I laughed.

"really really good cant put it into words but man whoever has slept with that mas is a lucky bitch" I said finishing off my beer.

"you going home now," April asked.

"yeh cany have them trashing the place and Jay will be walking around the place like a lost puppy until I get home," I said saying goodbye to them all and getting an uber home.

I walked into the apartment to hear almost silence which weirdly scared me, I walked further into the apartment to see all 5 of them sitting watching Jurassic Park. I quietly walked over to the couch gave jay a kiss on the cheek from behind the couch and then walked into our ensuite and made a nice hot bath and stayed there for a while.

when I was getting out of the bath Jay walked in and sighed when he saw him in a towel.

"what's with the frown baby" I laughed at his little pout. 

"well I thought I would be quick enough to join you but maybe next time," he said.

"the unit went home," I asked Jay and he nodded.

"you look like you had a good day because you look tired," I said walking into the bedroom and getting into some PJs.

"yeh good day and good night," he said stripping into his boxer and going into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

as I got into bed Jay walked back into the bedroom and dived onto the bed and got under the covers.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you more," I said back.

"not possible," he said turning the bedside lamp off.




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