part 23

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it was the next day and I was walking into work and it was an average day not looking too busy.

"Dr Smith you are needed for a consult for Natalie," Maggie said.

"Okay," I said giving my bag and coat to Maggie then walking to Natalie.

"you said you needed a consult," I said.

"yes I have two-year-old Jacob coming in with pains in his belly we have done scans, ultrasounds and we can't find anything," she said.

"have you told the parents about your tests," I said.

"no not yet we just got them," she said.

"hmm ok I might have an angle come on," I said and we went into the room to see the boy sat n the bed.

"Hey Jacob I am Dr Smith and I am here to find out what is wrong with your belly ok," I said and he nodded.

I looked towards the parents and said "so Jacobs tests that we run don't seem to be out of the ordinary and we can't find any anomalies but is there a specific time of day or how he moves causing this pain" I said.

"It started about two weeks ago just after we had lunch and he said he hurt when he went to the toilet then he became worse over the next couple of days," the mom said.

"has Jacob got any allergies from what he could have eaten that day," I said.

"no we had seafood we have it all the time and we have never had a problem with it before," I said.

"have you have seafood after the day he started to have pains," I asked.

"yeh we had fish," she said.

"does it happen with other meals he has," I asked?

"sometimes yes," the father said.

"okay well we believe it could be allergies to something but for us to determine what it is we need you to right every meal he has had in the past two weeks and then if he was complaining or not so we can find out what it is and we will need a blood test," I said and they nodded I gave them a note pad and a pen and I walked out.

"you think it is allergies," nat said.

"well the only thing it could be is allergies or something is going on in his intestines that is causing this pain," I said walking to the break room. when maggie dragged me over to her.

"hey cass your phone has been going off a lot," Maggie said.

"you know who it is," I asked.

"bobby," she said.

"oh shit my dad get out today," I said. she handed me my phone and I walked into the breakroom and called bobby.

"Why aren't you answering t phone," bobby said.

"oh so no oh hello sister how are you today bobby I am working," I said.

"are you going to be here when dad gets out or what," he said?

"alright drop the attitude I said I will try I have to ask my boss and even if I did I can't be out long," I said.

"well as long you show up that is all I ask," he said.

"well I will let you know if I can," I said.

"yeah ok," he said we said our goodbyes and hung up.

"what was that all about," Conor said who was sat at the computer with Ava.

I jumped a bit "dam Connor said the shit out of me" I said.

"That phone call was a bit tense," Ava said.

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