part 22

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it had been a couple of months since the fourth of July and I had noticed something different between both Jay and Erin and I couldn't but a point on it.

I was sat in the kitchen making a hot chocolate and Jay walked through the door.

"hey cass" he said.

"Hey Jay how was work," I said.

"it was alright how was the cadets," he said.

"yeah they are all ready to graduate from basic training," I said.

"good," he said.

"Hey I wanna ask you something," I said.

"go on," he said.

"well it is sort of two things but anyway the first thing is what is going on with you and Miss Lindsay," I said with a smirk.

"so I am guessing you have caught on," he said.

"wait for how long," I said.

"maybe like a month coming to two," he said.

"oh wow that is brilliant Jay I am happy for you," I said.

"what was the other thing," he said.

"Okay now this is serious so when I left the rangers I said that f they needed me for an emergency I would be deployed back out," I said and he just stood there.

"Why didn't you tell me," he said.

"I don't know," I said.

"so they could take you away at any time," he said.

"Yeah, Jay," I said. he came over to me and hugged me.

"you're not angry," I said.

"no I mean a little but get how much the rangers means to you and I don't want to take that away from you just promise me if you do have to go back you won't die on me," he said.

"you got it," I said.

"you wanna go to Mollys," he said.

"only for one," I said holding up one finger.

"you got it to go get your shoes on and get in the car I will lock up," he said.

I laughed and got into the car and waited for him. took him about three minutes to get into the car and start driving when we walked into Mollys I saw that everyone was a section in three groups 51 at the bar, med at the back all and intelligence on the right-hand side.

"you sit down ill get the drinks," I said and walked over to Herman.

"hello cassie how many I help you," he said.

"can I have a beer and a vodka with a coke please," I said?

"no problem," he said and gave me the drinks and I handed the money to him I walked over to where Jay was and sat on the table where Mouse, Will and Natalie were sat.

"hey cass" Will said.

"Hey guys," I said sitting down.

"how was the base today," Mouse said.

"well they are about to graduate basic training and a lot of them are being deployed in the next couple of months," I said.

"what you gonna do about your dad," Will said.

"well I talked to bobby this morning and I would come down to the Jail with him and then we will go to bobby then go from there I made some phone calls and I got him a job that pays enough so he can get an apartment," I said taking a sip of my drink.

"well at least you have sorted something out," Natalie said.

"yeah," I said back.

we finished that drink then both me and Jay said goodbye to everyone then drove home. when we got home we got out of our clothes and I walked over to the living room and Jay wasn't to be seen I went to his room to see it empty I walked past the laundry room and bathroom but they were empty so I walked into my room and I saw him in my bed on my PlayStation.

"so you don't want any food," I said and he jumped.

"God give a guy heart attack why don't you. no, I'm not hungry" he said

"you staying in here tonight," I said grabbing the other controller and sitting next to him.

"depends if I will fall asleep or not," he said leaning his head on my shoulder. I love when he is so cuddly and soft when he isn't around people.

"I love when you are like this," I said.

"what you mean," he said.

"all soft and not all strict looking and so I don't know how to put it into words," I said.

"well only you get to see this side of me no one else," I said and I gasped.

"what about Erin," I said.

"and Erin but very rarely she will make fun of me," he said.

"I don't think so I mean you have been partners coming up 4 years and I bet she will love to see the soft side of you she probably already has and you haven't noticed" I sid.

"no I haven't I know I haven't, "he said.

"alright whatever you say hotshot," I said.

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